catman9 Wrote:Hi - I'm new here. But I've recently read all of the Jack material I could get my hands on (including Crisscross, Freakshow and Barrens) and have read the first 4 adversary books. I have Reprisal and Nightworld, but should I read them? If they will be re-written with Jack playing a much more important role (which is certainly implied by a little old lady with a dog in a retirement community in Florida) maybe I should wait. Love to hear the advise as part of me wants to dive into the books ASAP!!
catman9 Wrote:I have Reprisal and Nightworld, but should I read them? If they will be re-written with Jack playing a much more important role (which is certainly implied by a little old lady with a dog in a retirement community in Florida) maybe I should wait. Love to hear the advise as part of me wants to dive into the books ASAP!!
fpw Wrote:(Just remember that cell phones weren't in everyone's pocket when it was written.)Have you figured out how you are going to address that issue? Not that you have to tell us how, just if you've figured it out.
jimbow8 Wrote:Have you figured out how you are going to address that issue? Not that you have to tell us how, just if you've figured it out.That is still one of the eeriest things I've ever read. Thanks.
catman9 Wrote:Hi - I'm new here. But I've recently read all of the Jack material I could get my hands on (including Crisscross, Freakshow and Barrens) and have read the first 4 adversary books. I have Reprisal and Nightworld, but should I read them? If they will be re-written with Jack playing a much more important role (which is certainly implied by a little old lady with a dog in a retirement community in Florida) maybe I should wait. Love to hear the advise as part of me wants to dive into the books ASAP!!
Ken Valentine Wrote:As speculation, how about if Rafe CAN use cell phones, but doesn't because he wants to draw out Will's agony, rather than drive him completely over the edge? So Will gets an endless ring only if he actually touches one.
Your turn.
Ken V.
Scott Miller Wrote:Not bad, but he doesn't actually touch the phones that ring throughout Reprisal.
Quote: I say he can only affect landlines.
Ken Valentine Wrote:What do you think?
Ken Valentine Wrote:Maybe it's this: Rasalom doesn't affect the land lines through electrical means, or by physically dialing a number and playing a recording. If he can do what he does without physical contact, then why can't he do it to cell phones. My answer is; he doesn't want to.