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law dawg   07-12-2007, 09:45 PM
Battlefield Earth
Body of Evidence
Leonard Part 6
Howard the Duck (so bad it should be immortalized)
Superman IV:The Quest for Peace (not even Richard Pryor could save it! Wink)

It's an 88 magnum. It shoots through schools.
volshan   07-12-2007, 09:55 PM
BK Akitas Wrote:Plan 9 cracks me up- I love it when he actaully picks up the script and starts reading from it "oh.......yes......Plan 9.....the it is!" and being able to see all the strings, I laugh like hell.

The Keep sucked so incredibly it transcends the creation of Sucky Movie lists. Did ANYONE on that project actually read the book? What were they smoking and where can I get some?
Maybe after the Rj movie gets done someone will ressurrect The Keep and remake it as it was meant to be.

I like Plan 9 for the humor value - it's so bad it's worth seeing.

I don't put 'The Keep' on my list, for I find it to find some value, despite all that it isn't.

As to anyone on the movie reading the book, I went to a website (from a link someone posted here, I think, but I can't seem to find it now) and read an interview with Scott Glenn where he said 'I didn't like the book and Michael [Mann] didn't either'.

I suspect that explains a lot of why the movie achieved such a high degree of suckage. :mad:

As to my list of worst 5:

5: Star Trek 5. (I thought Kirk wanted to be God, not find Him)
4: Blair Witch Project. (A bad weekend home video gets a big screen release.)
3: Highlander 3. (Now that all the other immortals are dead, how many more have we overlooked?)
2: Starship Troopers (even if it had known what it wanted to be, it would still be on the list.)
1: Ice Pirates (has the distinction of being the only movie worse than Starship Troopers.) Smile

Barry Lee Dejasu   07-12-2007, 10:33 PM
Only 1-3 are in order.
  1. Troy (the most shamelessly self-indulgent and over-stylized adaptation of any work to took a beautiful masterpiece and turned it into a long, boring, we're-Greek-but-we-sound-British ancient war movie)
  2. The Aviator (show-offy directing, terrible acting, and the worst casting job ever)
  3. Gangs of New York (could the acting possibly get any worse? And yes, we understand that you can move the camera around, Scorsese...)
  4. Jeepers Creepers (plot twist upon plot twist upon plot twist, amounting to-- nothing. Bah!)
  5. Dreamcatcher (why the HELL did the adaptation process go wrong over halfway through the movie?!)
Funny that after two for two disastrous results, ScorCaprio ended up making a pretty damn good flick with The Departed. Granted, it was a remake, and the Bwostun accents were really forced, and the movie's fame became a bit overblown (it's a good cop movie, but Academy Award winner for Best Picture and Director? Pity Oscars, both), but still...not a bad result in the end. Let's just hope that ScorCaprio never work together again.

And yes, I realize a lot of you are probably now steaming with anger, but what can I say? This is just what I think, and I'm not "wrong" for having an opinion.
This post was last modified: 07-12-2007, 10:37 PM by Barry Lee Dejasu.

"...and your last thought is that you have become a noise...a thin, nameless noise among all these others...howling in the empty dark room"
--Ulver, "Nowhere/Catastrophe"
[Image: geomorfos.jpg]
Biggles   07-12-2007, 11:18 PM
Susan Wrote:I loved Moulin Rouge. Entertaining and visually stunning.

And I also loved Top Gun and Terms of Endearment, Biggles!

I can't think of a worst 5 right now. I've seen some really bad movies that suck so bad, they're funny. I wouldn't include those on the list since they did entertain me in some sick, twisted way. For example: Showgirls (if you look at it as a comedy, it is heeeeeee-larious!)

Here's a helpful linky - IMDB's Bottom 100 movies. I've never seen the Tony Blair Witch Project, but it sounds like fun! LOL


Gee Susan. You loved three of my worst ever movies, which I hated, but yet I love and respect you as my Co-Queen. I'm so conflicted! Oh well, you must be wrong. :-)

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
BK Akitas   07-12-2007, 11:38 PM
can you believe they made a HL5??? Sad.....

Black Knight American Akitas

KYFHO Racing Team

"Don't force me to release him"...Harbingers
Keeters kick Otherness butt!
webby   07-15-2007, 01:32 PM
It took me a while to come up with a list because I try to block the really bad movies from my memory. Wink

The Million Dollar Hotel - Mel Gibson owed somebody a big favor. It's the only explanation for starring in this extremely boring, pointless, stupid movie.

Jaws 3 (in 3D) - Why? Why? Why?

The Blair Witch Project - For the same reasons others have already posted.

Poseiden - Starring Special Effects. Nothing else worthwhile here. Nothing.

Sling Blade - It may have been critically acclaimed but it was predictable, depressing and not very interesting. Worst of the worst.

PS - I think Time Bandits is great. I love that movie!

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

jimbow8   07-15-2007, 01:56 PM
My "Triumvirate of Evil" is

Drop Dead Fred
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover
The River's Edge

Those three are easily bad enough to go up against any five movies, but for good measure and since I just watched it, I'll throw in the Michael Caine version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. ABYSSMAL!!!!

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
RichE   07-18-2007, 10:32 AM
Forced myself to watch KRAKATOA EAST OF JAVA again. Sorry people-this film beats out everyone elses films as the worst film in creation. You people don't know the joy of watching most of the cast being wiped out after having to watch bad acting and horrible singing. I intend to take the time to watch my very own BOWERY BOYS fest to get the taste of this expensive stinker out of my mouth!
Marc   07-18-2007, 12:30 PM
law dawg Wrote:Battlefield Earth

I forgot about Battlefield Earth. It's the only movie I left before it finished. The sad thing for the filmmakers is I didn't even pay to get in.
Terry Willacker   07-18-2007, 01:17 PM
Battlefield Earth 1
Gangs of New York 2
Blair Witch 3
Da Vinci Code 4
Dreamcatcher 5

Dishonorable Mention to:
Ya Ya Sisterhood
Steel Magnolias
Starship Troopers
Pirates of the Carribean 2

and the worst Star Trek movie which was 7 not 5 because they killed Kirk and did it stupidly using a laughable villain.
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