jimbow8 Wrote:What are you doing online? It's not Sunday or Monday.
Had a doctor's appointment this morning for me leg. And on Wednesday nights, I'm scheduled to close at work, which I =hate=! So I figured I'd take today and tomorrow off, start to use my new 2007 paid-time-off hours. Need the break after the holiday madness. Plus, we're short a closing Supervisor on my floor for Saturday nights. I agreed to take the gig, telling my boss, "Awright, Anthony, I'll work with you on this, but I will hate every fucking second and trust that you'll remember, come evaluation time in October. I got "Exceeds Standards" last time, am working with you to get the same this year. Plus your recommendation for my promotion to Manager." The big man from West Virginia sighed. "Nothing's ever easy with you, is it, Mike? I'll do what I can. But be forewarned at least one of the Managers thinks you're too fucking weird for promotion. No, I'm not saying who! But you're well-liked by the rest. Your time is coming." Yeah, Bad Tony, that and 2 bucks will get me on the subway...