law dawg Wrote:GOOD book....
Damn right, Law Dawg. I'd put it right up there with CITIZEN OF THE GALAXY. But we can't forget BETWEEN PLANETS or THE STAR BEAST or RED PLANET or...

Did you know Rod was a black man? Little tidbit of info I gleaned from THE HEINLEIN COMPANION. Virginia Heinlein said that was RAH's intention, was curious to see who'd pick up on it. And I believe Chip Delaney was inspired to write sf after realizing Johnny Rico in STARSHIP TROOPERS was a man of color. Which brings to mind the Vonda McIntyre story. When she was little, she haunted her library for new Andre Norton books. She asked the librarian, "Will he have a new one out soon? I think he's the best!" The librarian gently clued her in. "Andre Norton is a =woman.= Yes she is! She's a librarian too, and she lives in Florida. If you'd like to write to her, I'm sure she'd be happy to hear from you." Little Vonda thought, "Girls can write science fiction too? So maybe =I= can when I get bigger!" I find that so charming and wonderful.