HaroldDemure Wrote:Donnie Darko.I love Donnie Darko.
ccosborne3 Wrote:The King of New York and I might as well throw in Bad Lieutenant. Both directed by Abel Ferrara. Ferrara is the only NYC filmmaker capable of giving Scorcese a run for his money.
saynomore Wrote:One of my favorite movies that was largely overlooked was a little gem called "Scarecrow." It starred Gene Hackman and Al Pacino. Well worth a look with this great team-up of actors. Excellent drama. Keep the hankies nigh with that wicked ending.
P.S. Might as well throw in that other overlooked Hackman film, "The Conversation." It never really found an audience, but I always try to catch it at the revival theaters. Loved to own a Special Super Duper Edition DVD of this movie.
GeraldRice Wrote:II wanted to see Starship Troopers the first time I saw it advertised and I will always maintain it was a great film. Paul Verhoeven pulled the best performances you could possibly ask for out of a bunch of B actors (save for Michael Ironside and Clancy Brown, two of the greatest villain actors EVER).uH-OH! Here we go .....
Quote:But when was Titanic not popular?Well, it has become fashionable to hate it.