Sourdoughs Wrote:Thanks for the other "RJ Dilema" entries, folks! I'm loving reading them!
Dave: Wonderful! Very RJ like ending.
BritFan: Very fun! I liked the insiders use of Mr Al Roams and Mr Donato.
AsMoral: Damn funny! I knew it was going somewhere like that, but great clincher!
Keep them coming! I didn't enter one or I'd have posted it - you're all more clever than I!
AsMoral Wrote:Jack answered the phone on the third ring.
Beside him on the couch Gia sits with her knees pulled to her chest gnawing nervously on her fingernail.
On the television screen the Creature from the Black Lagoon is seductively swimming below and parallel with the films female lead.
“Hello,” Jack says quietly into the phone.
“Put Gia on the phone,” the voice replies ominously, because it is more frightening that way.
“May I ask who…”
“It’s private, this is her number, her phone now kindly put her on.”
Jack pulled the phone from his ear and glanced at the handset before passing it off to Gia with a shrug. “For you.”
Gia glanced at her watch; she didn’t know who would be calling so late. “Hello,” she said.
“I believe we had a deal…we gave you the money under the condition we’d get it back.”
Gia’s skin blanched. In the glow of the flickering screen she seemed almost transparent.
“What is it?” Jack said noticing Gia’s change in demeanor.
On the phone the gentleman continued. “Did you think we wouldn’t find you?”
“It’s not that,” Gia tried to reply.
“Did you think that we didn’t have ways. You can’t escape us.”
“I didn’t mean…I had every intention…”
“Intentions don’t satisfy your debt.”
“I just don’t have the…” She glances at Jack and turns away, she hopes she can hide her shame from him.
“We have your number now, don’t try anything stupid. If you run we’ll find you. And don’t think you can get away with writing us off…that is impossible and will be a huge mistake.”
“I’ll try to get it to you, just don’t tell anyone about this…I never meant to let it go this long…”
“You have one week…” The line went dead.
Jack took the phone from the obviously shaken woman in his life. “Who was that?”
Gia shook her head, tears filled her eyes and threatened to spill onto her cheeks. “No one Jack…not anything you can help me with.”
“How can you say that…I’m repairman Jack…I can fix anything.”
“No, this will put you in deeper, to a place so dark and desolate it will make the Otherness look like Sunday School.”
“I can help you Gia. I’ve helped you before. I’ll even do it for free this time.”
“Oh Jack, this is different.”
“Just tell me who it was Gia!” Jack raised his voice, he was scared seeing the woman he loved in such turmoil.
Gia lowered her head into her hands and cried out. “It was EdFinancial Jack! I’ve defaulted on my student loans!”
“Oh shit.” Jack sat silently for a moment. “You may be right…I don’t see anyway of getting out of this one.”
Author's Note: The change in tense was deliberate, adding mystery and drama to the story. I can't believe this didn't win.
AsMoral Wrote:Jack answered the phone on the third ring.
Beside him on the couch Gia sits with her knees pulled to her chest gnawing nervously on her fingernail.
On the television screen the Creature from the Black Lagoon is seductively swimming below and parallel with the films female lead.
“Hello,” Jack says quietly into the phone.
“Put Gia on the phone,” the voice replies ominously, because it is more frightening that way.
“May I ask who…”
“It’s private, this is her number, her phone now kindly put her on.”
Jack pulled the phone from his ear and glanced at the handset before passing it off to Gia with a shrug. “For you.”
Gia glanced at her watch; she didn’t know who would be calling so late. “Hello,” she said.
“I believe we had a deal…we gave you the money under the condition we’d get it back.”
Gia’s skin blanched. In the glow of the flickering screen she seemed almost transparent.
“What is it?” Jack said noticing Gia’s change in demeanor.
On the phone the gentleman continued. “Did you think we wouldn’t find you?”
“It’s not that,” Gia tried to reply.
“Did you think that we didn’t have ways. You can’t escape us.”
“I didn’t mean…I had every intention…”
“Intentions don’t satisfy your debt.”
“I just don’t have the…” She glances at Jack and turns away, she hopes she can hide her shame from him.
“We have your number now, don’t try anything stupid. If you run we’ll find you. And don’t think you can get away with writing us off…that is impossible and will be a huge mistake.”
“I’ll try to get it to you, just don’t tell anyone about this…I never meant to let it go this long…”
“You have one week…” The line went dead.
Jack took the phone from the obviously shaken woman in his life. “Who was that?”
Gia shook her head, tears filled her eyes and threatened to spill onto her cheeks. “No one Jack…not anything you can help me with.”
“How can you say that…I’m repairman Jack…I can fix anything.”
“No, this will put you in deeper, to a place so dark and desolate it will make the Otherness look like Sunday School.”
“I can help you Gia. I’ve helped you before. I’ll even do it for free this time.”
“Oh Jack, this is different.”
“Just tell me who it was Gia!” Jack raised his voice, he was scared seeing the woman he loved in such turmoil.
Gia lowered her head into her hands and cried out. “It was EdFinancial Jack! I’ve defaulted on my student loans!”
“Oh shit.” Jack sat silently for a moment. “You may be right…I don’t see anyway of getting out of this one.”
Author's Note: The change in tense was deliberate, adding mystery and drama to the story. I can't believe this didn't win.
KRW Wrote:You didn't like mine?
WR.PARK Wrote:The answer to your question, Joe, is NO! And my further recommendation is that you run as fast as you can back to the Turkish bath and take a much-needed dunk. But you had better stick your fingers in your ears so the water doesn't rush in, or you might never surface. And what a loss that would be.
And I told you in my last message how and why I reacted. You can read into it anything you want. Soap yourself real good!
Sourdoughs Wrote:Sorry, KRW, I think I missed it.Is it in this thread? If so, what page? Maybe I perused too quickly...
law dawg Wrote:Really? I didn't know that. I'm not a a technician when it comes to guns. I look at them as tools in a toolbox. I'm much better in the tactics part of the equation. I have a very good friend who is always experiments with guns, etc. Me, just hand me the tool and let me loose. As for you gunsmiths, I've always admired your knowledge and ability. Just not enough to get off my lazy butt and learn myself....
Quote:I'm 47,000 words into the first one. I just started the second (about 3,000 words or so). You'll like the second one - it shows some of how we don't learn our lessons and how the same people who got us into trouble in the first place continue to be employed if not promoted.
Quote:Its hard not to like FPW. He is very real and likes good beer. What's the down side?
Lisa Wrote:I had a dream about Dave last night. The rest of you guest starred, popping into the dream now and then. Unfortunately I can't remember what the heck the dream was about except for hanging out with Dave. There was some "plot"... probably it was a GU. Hmmm.I'm blushing!
WR.PARK Wrote:NYJ: I've visited West Virginia numerous times throughout my career and have always enjoyed the association and company of all those I've met--and up until now had always believed the hillbilly sterotype alleged by social-bigots to be unfair and untrue. But after reading your pompous rhetoric--in your case I'd make an exception.