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Bluesman Mike Lindner   02-14-2008, 12:27 PM
fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]I've proofed the pages and I signed the sig sheets in June. I've given up trying to get a straight answer -- or royalties.[/SIZE]

No royalties? That sucks big time. A not unrelated situation: a few years ago, John Borg and I wrote a tune for a kids' movie that never saw the light of day. But it wasn't a bad little tune, HARMONY. Some low-rent hombre in Brooklyn got his mitts on a copy of the demo somehow, and wanted to include it on a CD collection. His offer of payment? Nada. John thought it might be a good idea to get the song out anyway. I hadda say, "John, you and Peter [Peter Weiss, John's music partner] are the senior guys in this enterprise. But if you're asking me--as you are--I say No. Why establish our stuff is worth nothing?" Johnny sighed. "I guess you're right, Mike..."

James Brown said it best in a legal dispute over who wrote IT'S A MAN'S, MAN'S, MAN'S WORLD (paraphrasing): "You lawyers got it all wrapped up anyway. You always gonna make out good. The musicians and the writers? You'll find them out on the street. Losing their minds."RolleyesSad
Sean Baron   07-16-2008, 11:42 PM
Scott Hajek Wrote:Even though my hide is well chapped, I figured I'd send another request for an update. After all, CD did send out an e-mail with the title of "Huge Production Update."

So, I asked when, if ever, we will see Sims 5.

Here's the reply:


We finally received the cover artwork and it'll go to the printer in the
next batch.

Best wishes,
Brian Freeman
Marketing Director

The question of the day is: When is the next batch going to the printer?

I'm equally ticked off about this. I know that CD has had a tough year with family issues, etc...but it seems to me that they have been pumping out newer volumes pretty regularly and are constantly announcing new projects. Why pump out another new project when you have so many titles on the back burner?

Ever since they added this Marketing Bozo to their staff, it seems their production times have increased dramatically and all this guy can do is promise that it'll be soon...and of course, offer you a once in a lifetime grab bag offer that you'll "never see again".

Okay, I'm done ranting.
Scott Hajek   07-21-2008, 11:48 AM
Sean Baron Wrote:I'm equally ticked off about this. I know that CD has had a tough year with family issues, etc...but it seems to me that they have been pumping out newer volumes pretty regularly and are constantly announcing new projects. Why pump out another new project when you have so many titles on the back burner?

Ever since they added this Marketing Bozo to their staff, it seems their production times have increased dramatically and all this guy can do is promise that it'll be soon...and of course, offer you a once in a lifetime grab bag offer that you'll "never see again".

Okay, I'm done ranting.

They should be giving us a grab bag for free because of the length of time they've had our money. Or, a slip case, or something. I could've saved a bunch of money if I waited to order, but I paid full price, no coupon, no offer, nothing. I'm still waiting and would like to have the full set before too long.

Scott Hajek

[i]"A beer right now would sound good, but I'd rather drink one than listen to it."[/i]
t4terrific   01-09-2009, 11:33 AM
Scott Hajek Wrote:They should be giving us a grab bag for free because of the length of time they've had our money. Or, a slip case, or something. I could've saved a bunch of money if I waited to order, but I paid full price, no coupon, no offer, nothing. I'm still waiting and would like to have the full set before too long.

This is from CD's website, referring to Sims 5: "This title has been sent to the printer and we expect to publish it early next year.". Does that mean 09 or 10? Does it mean anything at all really? They seem to ooze bullshit when it comes to this publication.
Alvin Fox   01-09-2009, 11:53 AM
t4terrific Wrote:This is from CD's website, referring to Sims 5: "This title has been sent to the printer and we expect to publish it early next year.". Does that mean 09 or 10? Does it mean anything at all really? They seem to ooze bullshit when it comes to this publication.

Pfft. That message has been on there since at least last summer. Every independent publisher has a few books that they keep saying they'll publish soon. Gauntlet's finally coming out with Legacies after I preordered it a year ago. Night Shade Books has a William Hope Hodgson collection that's 3 or 4 years overdue. And 2 Clark Ashton Smith collections that are almost 2 years overdue. Just make sure you keep your address up to date if you preorder anything.
Ken Valentine   01-10-2009, 07:39 PM
AlvinFox Wrote:Pfft. That message has been on there since at least last summer. Every independent publisher has a few books that they keep saying they'll publish soon. Gauntlet's finally coming out with Legacies after I preordered it a year ago. Night Shade Books has a William Hope Hodgson collection that's 3 or 4 years overdue. And 2 Clark Ashton Smith collections that are almost 2 years overdue. Just make sure you keep your address up to date if you preorder anything.
Maybe os, maybe so. But the "Sims-5" question was first asked in November 2006. Long after Paul had reworked it and published it as a full novel.

Ken V.
Alvin Fox   01-13-2009, 05:58 AM
I'm also begining to believe that independent publishers are reluctant to publish something that is already available in a cheaper format.
Ken Valentine   01-13-2009, 08:00 PM
AlvinFox Wrote:I'm also begining to believe that independent publishers are reluctant to publish something that is already available in a cheaper format.
The problem is -- as I understand it -- a lot of people have (years ago) already paid for that fifth and final installment.

Ken V.
Sourdoughs   01-14-2009, 11:49 AM
Ken Valentine Wrote:The problem is -- as I understand it -- a lot of people have (years ago) already paid for that fifth and final installment.

Ken V.

Interesting to see this thread revived after so long. Ken's right on this. I paid for the 5th book many, many years ago and kept in touch with Cemetary Dance on a semi-yearly basis. They kept me hanging on for years, then just plain stopped responding. I don't expect it to ever be published in the format the first 4 books were, which a serious disappointment. Not getting the money back is a minor irritation for me; not having a complete series is very aggrevating.

fpw   01-14-2009, 01:12 PM
I feel bad about this. SIMS-5 was delivered to CD in May 2001. It was supposed to be published before April 2003, the date of the trade edition of the full novel. That way, all of the novellas would be first editions. I was assured this was no problem.

But SIMS-2 was late (December 01), and SIMS-3 didn't appear till August 02, and Sims-4 not until Jan 05. I believe 5 will appear, but have no idea when.


"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
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