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Bluesman Mike Lindner   10-23-2006, 02:40 PM
mattc_099 Wrote:One more question - the new paperback of The Keep that just came out, is is it the revised text like The Tomb was? I have the new edition of The Tomb but I didn't buy the new edition of The Keep because I wasn't sure.

At least if there's only four or so RJ novels left, that means after that the revised editions of Nightworld and maybe the other books in the Cycle will come out. As much as I think I'm going to love this series, I just can't afford to buy the limited editions from Borderland Press.

I didn't find any differences, but I can't say I studied it word-for-word. More profound scholars on the board might give a definitive answer.
cobalt   10-23-2006, 02:43 PM
Welcome Mattc_099. I started collecting my collection of past works over this past summer. I was lucky enough to have the RMJ series and The Adversary Cycle already. Amazon did well for me, I found "used" books for low prices. There is one recommendation I can make. If you have the original might want to wait for the remainder of the books to meet up with Nightworld, revised. If you're like me and can't wait...order away. The revised Nightworld does add about 8000 words according to sources, the spoilers from me! Wink Enjoy the reading!

mattc_099   10-23-2006, 02:47 PM
Well on the FAQ it says Wilson, made a few minor changes including a change in the final scene, so I was just curious if that was the new paperback of The Keep that was out.

Thanks for the advice Cobalt, but i actually already have all of the books, I hunted the OOP ones down on Ebay several months back and paid alot for them which is part of the reason I don't feel that I can shell out so much for the new limited editions. I guess what I'll do is go ahead and finish reading the rest of the Adversary books and Nightworld, even though they are the old editions (well actually I have the revised Tomb paperback) then I'll read the RJ books and when the new versions come out in the future, well, I'll just read them again!!! :p
webby   10-23-2006, 02:52 PM
mattc_099 Wrote:Well on the FAQ it says Wilson, made a few minor changes including a change in the final scene, so I was just curious if that was the new paperback of The Keep that was out.

Thanks for the advice Cobalt, but i actually already have all of the books, I hunted the OOP ones down on Ebay several months back and paid alot for them which is part of the reason I don't feel that I can shell out so much for the new limited editions. I guess what I'll do is go ahead and finish reading the rest of the Adversary books and Nightworld, even though they are the old editions (well actually I have the revised Tomb paperback) then I'll read the RJ books and when the new versions come out in the future, well, I'll just read them again!!! :p

An excellent plan! I'm pretty sure that with the exception of Nightworld, revisions to the other novels are minor enough that they won't interfere with your enjoyment. Wink

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

Dave F   10-23-2006, 02:54 PM
Welcome to the board, hope you enjoy the books as much as I have

I've been reading FPW for about 20 years (slow reader you see!)

He is the only author that I started reading as a teenager that has stuck with me.

The artist formally known as Britfan
cobalt   10-23-2006, 03:00 PM
Other board members correct me if I'm wrong. But most of the newer editions of the RMJ saga are techno....computers, cell phones and the like. These don't change the story or the outcome.

redheadmargo   10-23-2006, 08:34 PM
welcome matt!!!

caution though, there is no cure for this fpw addiction!!!!
Biggles   10-23-2006, 09:18 PM
redheadmargo Wrote:welcome matt!!!

caution though, there is no cure for this fpw addiction!!!!

True dat! As your addiction progresses, you'll start to crave some of the "good sh_t". Check out our collectors corner:

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
MacEachaidh   10-23-2006, 09:30 PM
mattc_099 Wrote:I know there is a revised edition of Nightworld but it is in limited print and somewhat expensive. Has anyone read this and if so, what needed to be revised. I have the regular older edition of Nightworld of course and when I read it, will I be annoyed by maybe mentions of dates that were changed in the new edition to make it tie in more with the RJ timeline? Anything I should be aware of as I read these books for maximum enjoyment?

G'day matt,
As pretty much a newbie here on these boards myself, I thought I'd mention that I've only recently got into the Rj series of novels, though I did read the Adversary cycle back when it first came into paperback.

I'm quite content with the order in which I've read them -- which is all six books of the Adversary Cycle first in sequence, before I then started on Legacies and from there started following the RJ story. And then I fully intend to re-read the latter three Adversary books, finishing with the revised Nightworld (which will hopefully be available here in Australia by then !)

In a sense, it means knowing the end (Nightworld) while you're reading the RJ series, but I don't think that matters so much. The six Adversary books weave so well together, I think it's worth enjoying those threads while they're still fresh in the mind. And then, the RJ books are so good that you can enjoy the journey through them, even if you feel you know where it's going. I'm looking forward to reading the revised Nightworld as the culmination of it all.

Just my thoughts, for what they're worth.
Enjoy, mate !

Bluesman Mike Lindner   10-23-2006, 09:42 PM
Biggles Wrote:True dat! As your addiction progresses, you'll start to crave some of the "good sh_t". Check out our collectors corner:

Be careful of what you'e encouraging, Biggles! Why, man, don't you know that here in the Big Town I've seen it all? In my workplace, on the 2nd floor, the fiction floor, I've stood aghast as desperate Paul Wilson addicts roll on the floor, sobbing and snotting, even reaching for a Joe Konrath novel to ease their agony. Just like a poor fucked-up junkie plunging a spike full of Drano into his arm. Not a pretty sight.
This post was last modified: 10-23-2006, 09:46 PM by Bluesman Mike Lindner.
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