G'day all,
Interesting responses to my post. Thanks.
I'm bemused -- though not surprised -- that most of the posts disagreeing with my perspective also contain diminishment of what I was saying. I guess that's what people do with an uncomfortable topic. Sorry folks, I'm not just being delicate or too easily upset. If you think I was complaining simply that Preston is effeminate, you've missed my point. (Oh, and I'm not actually upset at all, just -- as I said -- disappointed. But then ask anyone in a minority about all the little disappointments that mount up during the course of even a single day, that other people wouldn't even notice, largely because they don't have to deal with them.) It's a difficult balance, this Life thing; I'm not about trying to tell people what attitudes to have, but on the other hand, should concerns not be voiced as they appear ? And may I just suggest that often what is dismissable to one person as mere "political correctness" is another person's struggle for a sense of breathing space.
FPW, I'm not sure how to read your post. Were you offended ? Sorry if so, that wasn't my intention. The fact that you have friends who are gay, though, doesn't negate what I was suggesting. But I'm certainly not about to stop reading (and *buying* !) your books, because they're so damned good. Maybe I just want everything ! :p
For those who've kindly suggested I read "Hosts", I have. (I'm reading the books in sequence, and after posting this, I'm off to bed with my new copy of "Infernal".) At the risk of sounding evasive, that doesn't negate my comments either. I'd like to point out that it's been often and strongly noted in the social sciences that most people, of all genders and sexual orientation, have a different response and attitude towards gay men from what they do towards lesbians. The way they treat one offers no guide to how they'll treat the other. Even in the worst of times for homos, you'll find people will generally be more tolerant and "understanding" of lesbians. (Britain's Queen Victoria, for instance, found gay women at least comprehensible; it was only gay men she passed a law against.) And it's regular fodder for female stand-up comics to point out that hetero guys who find gay men disgusting regularly find gay women intensely erotic.
Anyway, end of the day, if you haven't seen a purple unicorn, it doesn't mean that one doesn't exist. My having seen one doesn't mean that it does; but it also doesn't mean that I am simply delusional.
Oh, and now I'm gonna do it too: I have a
good friend (

) who talks exactly like Abe.