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Dave F   10-22-2006, 05:54 PM
Would there be any chance of getting HR Giger to design the Rakosh the movie, if he did I would have no fear about the Rakosh appearing on screen

His artwork literally reeks of otherness, I would love to see his interpretation of what may lie "beyond the veil" in the world of the otherness
This post was last modified: 10-22-2006, 07:56 PM by Dave F.

The artist formally known as Britfan
Bluesman Mike Lindner   10-22-2006, 07:52 PM
fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]I've told the Beacon folks that I'd like to see a lady with a dog in the background of a few scenes. They seem to like the idea.

How about the rest of you? Shall we create a wish list of things we'd like to see in the film? You don't have to limit yourselves to [SIZE="3"]The Tomb[/SIZE].[/SIZE]

Somebody reading a copy of the NY POST, showing the headline SLIPPERY SERB BEATS THE RAP.
raw cid   10-22-2006, 08:59 PM
A reference to 'Milo Gherl's THE HUT' (movie poster, marquee or whatever).

100% model-animation rakosh. Seriously.

Make the Westphalen flashbacks into a short film and release it on YouTube and the like. It sets up and advertises the movie proper and can be filmed immediately (as it does not require the presence of HWMNBNUPOD*%&^!@##^@%$!@!!!!).
Keith the Elder   01-18-2007, 10:50 AM
She MUST play Russian lady with dog.

Actually with the correct make-up & wardrobes, she could play all the ladies with dogs.
This post was last modified: 01-18-2007, 11:03 AM by Keith the Elder.

"Think for yourself and question authority" Leary

By the way, How are things in your town?
BK Akitas   01-23-2007, 02:12 PM
I'm a Lady (well almost a Lady, but defintiely a lady), I've got Dogs, big otherness butt kickin breed (can I get another AMEN for Harbingers? woohoo). I've even done some extras work before so I'm perfectly happy just standing in the background for under 4 seconds, not speaking and never seeing my name in the credits.

Real locks please. I am tired of sitcoms and movies where no one in NY has a real lock on their door. Anyone just walks right in all the time.

Jack running through his Kata on the eye candy moment, must have.

Ralph. We Must Have Ralph.

Drop a Dormentalist or two into the UN party. Or on some street corners trying to push Dormentalism.

I like the idea of putting headlines on visible newspapers about future Jack stuff (like the Slippery Serb thing, cool)

Copies of THE LIGHT

Snatches of the evening news stories about the winos and some 5150 lookin guy in typical hobo gear raving about monsters.......or maybe he wanders into Julios "it aint safe out there.." or maybe just some guy like that one on the street Jack has to pass....

Black Knight American Akitas

KYFHO Racing Team

"Don't force me to release him"...Harbingers
Keeters kick Otherness butt!
GeraldRice   01-23-2007, 02:53 PM
XamberB Wrote:Powered sugar from the donuts!

Powered sugar? I have to get me some of that.

They passed an old woman who was just opening the door of a brown Cadillac. An old man was already sitting in the passenger seat. The car had a personalized plate with the letters “J-U-S-P-R-A-Y”.
“That stuff work?” Israel said to her.
“‘Scuse me?” the little old woman said, clutching her keys.
“The spray. Does it keep them away?”
“Keep who away?” She looked confused.
“I gotcha.” Israel gave her a conspiratorial wink.
Dave   01-23-2007, 03:30 PM
BK Akitas Wrote:Copies of THE LIGHT
Been there. Done that. Big Grin

Sam   01-25-2007, 12:04 AM
Richard Kendrick Wrote:RJ Board Regulars background cameos.


Why not have the cameos at Julio's? A GU at Jack's favorite watering hole. Have everybody - in groups of 2 or more - sitting around and talking about their favorite forum topic(s) over drinks. Just remember to stand in front of a mirror and practice your protective/digusted facial expressions when the Yuppies walk through the door.

"The nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be quietly led." - Edgar Allan Poe

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." - Agent K
crimson   02-04-2007, 06:30 AM
-Jack dressed in drag trying to find necklace

-Flashback when Jack tells Kolabati about his past (especially his revenge)

-India flashbacks throughout movie

-Jack encounters the disguised rakosh for the first time outside his apartment and the ensuing sequence. (one of my favorite scenes from the book)

-The White Dress

-Jack choosing the unhonorable way to finish Kusum

-The encounter on the shore after the ship's destruction.

-One of my favorite scenes from any RJ book is the final fix-it in All the Rage, wrapped everything up in a neat little bundle, then pages later in the pine barrens with the "Jersey Devil"

-Jack must drive a Corvair in the early films

All I can think of now.
BK Akitas   02-04-2007, 01:37 PM
go where the real money is related to any movie- MERCHANDISING!

what I'd really like to see is a good strong merchandising campaign- you know, like Repairman Jack action figures and of course, a partnership with a major franchise like McDonalds..

"Mommy mommy look! I got a Rakosh in my Happy Meal! Hurray!!!!"


ok serious now- Jack spends a lot of time out on the streets and those Rakosh gotta eat on a regular basis, right? thats what the tainted wine was for. how about shadowy movement in the alleys or even slipping in a hidden rakosh or two in some scenes? on streets, crawling in/out of windows, lurking in abandoned buildings, on rooftops-kind of a Where's Waldo, just using flesh eating monsters? then give us a test later to figure out how many were hiding in the movie!

Black Knight American Akitas

KYFHO Racing Team

"Don't force me to release him"...Harbingers
Keeters kick Otherness butt!
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