fpw Wrote:Used to be I had a reliable but slow dial-up connection from Nantucket. Now the reliable part is passe. But I'm looking in now and then from an Internet cafe. Interesting that we now have BigBoobs and Bigtits as new members. Are we attracting mammariferous medmbers or just joiks?I saw a $4.99 edition of All the Rage at Borders today, as well. I didn't look to see if it had a coupon.
Whatever. The $4.99 edition of The Tomb is doing so well it's backordered on Amazon. So keep it up you boobies.
fpw Wrote:Used to be I had a reliable but slow dial-up connection from Nantucket. Now the reliable part is passe. But I'm looking in now and then from an Internet cafe. Interesting that we now have BigBoobs and Bigtits as new members. Are we attracting mammariferous medmbers or just joiks?
fpw Wrote:Whatever. The $4.99 edition of The Tomb is doing so well it's backordered on Amazon. So keep it up you boobies.
fpw Wrote:So keep it up you boobies.
fpw Wrote:Used to be I had a reliable but slow dial-up connection from Nantucket. Now the reliable part is passe. But I'm looking in now and then from an Internet cafe. Interesting that we now have BigBoobs and Bigtits as new members. Are we attracting mammariferous medmbers or just joiks?
Whatever. The $4.99 edition of The Tomb is doing so well it's backordered on Amazon. So keep it up you boobies.
fpw Wrote:Interesting that we now have BigBoobs and Bigtits as new members. Are we attracting mammariferous medmbers or just joiks?
So keep it up you boobies.
cobalt79 Wrote:Did you know that there is controversy over the Barbie doll? Some say her boobs give little girls un-realistic expectations of a woman's figure.
P. S.The pink shoes make up for it though..............:p
The Mad American Wrote:So does the fact that Barbie doesn't have any genitilia give young girls unrealistic expectations too?