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webby   10-10-2006, 11:11 PM
tenebroust Wrote:I am trying to make my presence known here a little bit more since my joining. As I am just a Junior Member:o , I still want to say WELCOME!! This group has got to be the most well read, interesting, and entertaining bunch of people that I've come across, and you could do far worse than to be a part of that! So, I say again, WELCOME!

Hey, that group sounds great - where do I sign up.... oh.... I get it now .... you meant us. Big Grin

I felt the same way when I found this board. Still do. Best bunch of people I've "met" in a long time! Welcome Old Europe and welcome tenebroust if I missed welcoming you before!

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

cobalt   10-10-2006, 11:13 PM
tenebroust Wrote:I am trying to make my presence known here a little bit more since my joining. As I am just a Junior Member:o , I still want to say WELCOME!! This group has got to be the most well read, interesting, and entertaining bunch of people that I've come across, and you could do far worse than to be a part of that! So, I say again, WELCOME!
Flattery MAY GET ya some place.........Big Grin

Old Europe   10-11-2006, 03:17 AM
Thanks for welcoming me to this forum.

I've been lurking here for, well, some years and never dared do join the group. As a foreigner with English as second language it's not that easy to participate in a discussion. You can never be sure if that comes across what you intended to say. I know that - I'm working for an US company and sometimes I have to do my job (I'm a copywriter) in English. I'm an old pro in my own language. I'm doing the Job for more than 20 years. But as soon as I'm writing in English, the copy sounds as if a schoolgirl has written it. And it's always prone to misunderstandings.

Nevertheless I tried my luck with the RJ-Contest.

It's an old love that connects me to the RJ- and the Adversary cycle. About 20 years ago my brother brought a copy of "Nightworld" from UK. "Sister, you have to read it - it's great", he said. And, boy, was he right! - "It seems to be the final part of a series", I said, and since then we were hunting for the rest of it. Not too easy in pre-internet-times! It took us about ten years and a little help from the author to complete both the series. Currently we are reading "Harbingers".

We've read all the books in English, though some of them are available in German now. I must have a look at one of them, just to see how the translation works.

As I'm reading the RJ-books in the train on my way to and fro the office, I can see lots of people trying to get a glimpse of the cover just to see what makes me grin. They never ask what the book is about. Maybe because I'm reading in English, they are not sure if they can address me in German.
Jamo   10-11-2006, 02:24 PM
Hey Old Europe!
Welcome to this board.
Nice to have another user from germany here. I think, you are the 3rd more or less active user. I think there are many more inactive users registered from Germany, but I think I read posts from you and another guy/girl.

So, where are you from? I live near by Münster, if you know that. But you should have heard of it, at least.

I think my english isn't as well as yours, but, I try to give my very best ^^

So, I think that's enough for the moment ^^


"Dem ago call a war a holy war...but if a war is holy....what unholy stands for?

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Old Europe   10-12-2006, 04:05 AM
Hi Jamo!
My sister-in-law grew up in Münster, so at least I frequently hear about the town. I live near Stuttgart, and the company I'm working for has been mentioned in "Infernal". And, no, it's not the car with the star.

If there are more fellow-countrymen and -women around, maybe we could open up one thread where we could write in German? On the other hand ... it would be hard to control for the owner of the board what's going on there.
fpw   10-12-2006, 09:44 AM
Old Europe Wrote:If there are more fellow-countrymen and -women around, maybe we could open up one thread where we could write in German? On the other hand ... it would be hard to control for the owner of the board what's going on there.

[SIZE="3"]Feel free. There's very little control here, very few rules.[/SIZE]

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
Old Europe   10-12-2006, 11:39 AM
Great! Thanks!
No legal issues here? In our country the owner of a forum can be held legally responsible for anything people write in his or her forum. So you have to know what everybody's doing there. (But I'm sure everybody would behave in a RJ-Forum ...)
Jamo   10-12-2006, 12:26 PM
German thread qould be quite nice. But, for 2 people Big Grin

It's funny that your sister in law grew up in Münster. The world is very small ^^

"Dem ago call a war a holy war...but if a war is holy....what unholy stands for?

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Dave   10-12-2006, 01:15 PM
Old Europe Wrote:Great! Thanks!
No legal issues here? In our country the owner of a forum can be held legally responsible for anything people write in his or her forum. So you have to know what everybody's doing there. (But I'm sure everybody would behave in a RJ-Forum ...)
As long as it doesn't become a David Hasselhoff Appreciation thread, I think you can say what you want. Smile

Welcome to the board Old Europe.

Lon   10-19-2006, 12:49 AM
Old Europe Wrote:(But I'm sure everybody would behave in a RJ-Forum ...)

No doubt! The last thing you want is to get some Friend of Jack pulling a fix-it on you for misbehaving! Big Grin

Coming Soon:
"Something to Hold the Door Closed" in Frontier Cthulhu

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