Pages (30):    1 21 22 23 24 25 30   
webby   06-08-2006, 10:47 AM
This my personal list after deleting a couple I didn't really like at all:

Enigmatic Jack
Extracurricular Activities
Fade to Jack
Fair Enough
I Can Fix It
I Can Fix It For You...
If You Knew Jack... (favorite!)
In All Fairness
Jack Can Fix It
Jack Can Fix It For You...
Jack in your Corner
Jack on the Edge
Jack to the Max
Jack'd Up
Jack's Edge
Jack's Rules
Neat Stuff...About Jack
Oh Boy! The Adventures of "Just Jack"
On Edge
On the Edge
Only Fair
Radical Jack
The Heart of Jack
The Jack Effect
Totally Jack
When All Else Fails
Wild Card Jack
This post was last modified: 06-08-2006, 05:44 PM by webby.

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

Scott Miller   06-08-2006, 11:15 AM
This seems to be the most complete list, so I deleted all of my deletable selections from it.

webby Wrote:Names K - Z

keith the elder

Becoming Jack
Before Billy Jack
Fire in the Belly
Fire in the Hold
He Shall Be Jack
In the Crucible
Jack - Out of the Box
Jack's Crucible
Jack's Off
Just Outside The Pine Barrens
Smoldering Ember
Spontaneous Combustion
The Boy Who Would Be Jack
The Hidden Variable
The Tao of Jack
The Zen of Jack

ken valentine



Destined Jack
Fated Jack
Jack Begins
Jack Next Door
Jack;Unidentified guy
Street Smart Jack
Jack; No identity guy


A boy for hire
A boy named Jack
A Boy Other Than Us
A fix with a twist
Being Jack
Building Jack
Coming into his own
Coming of age
Enter the Barrens
Fixin it
Jack 101
Jacks' awakening
Jack's Path
Just call me Jack
Just Jack
Learning to fix
Levels on levels
Life lessons
Problems and solutions
Problems solved
Single Jack
Square pegs and round holes
Tameing the anger
The beat of a differant drum
The fix is in
The fixer upper
The making of a man
The path of most resistance
Tit for tat
To the tune of Jack
Trial by Fire
Wild Oats


Discovering Jack
Fighting the Darkness
Heir Apparent
Jack – The Years of Discovery
Jack the Adventurer
Jack’s World
Jack's Other Life
Life's Fix-its
Life's Little Fix-its
Making of an Heir
The Adventures of Jack
The Dark Place
The Mysteries of Jack
The Young Ally


Just Jack
Baby Got Jack
Catapult (name for single book rather than series)
Daredevil Jack
Discovering Jack
Genesis of Jack
Jack's Genesis
Got Your Back Jack
Half Past Jack
Heir Jack
Rarified Heir
Jack's Heritage
Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
Barnegat Bay Boy
In the Beginning He Was Jack
Into Thin Heir
Invisible Jack
Jack and Jersey and the Whole Darn Story
Jack and the Jersey Devil
Jack Equals Justice
Jack Fades Away
Jack Inside Out
Jack Unearthed
Jack Way Back
Jack Who?
Jack, We Hardly Knew Ya
Jack’s Jinx
Jack’s Judgment
Jack’s Playground
Jack’s Walkabout
Jersey Boy Makes Good
Jersey Jack the Giant Killer
Judging Jack
Judgment for Jack
Limitless Jack
My Name Is Jack, Just Jack
And They Called Him Jack
On the Outside Looking In
On the Outs
Outside Jack
Outsider Jack
Past and Future Jack
Playing Jack
Presently Jack
Heir to the Other
Adversary Jack
Jack and the Others
Other than Jack
My Name is Jack
Suddenly He’s Jack
The Boy Who Dared the Devil
The Jack You Never Knew
The Jack You’ll Never Know
The Jersey Devil, The Pine Barrens and Jack
The Life and Times of Young Jersey Jack
Solo Jack
Their Son Was Jack
What Makes A Boy A Jack
What Makes a Boy An Heir
Who Do You Call – Jack!
Who’s That Jack?


Balancing Act
Balancing Jack
Fair Play
Hiding in Shadows
Shadow Master
Stealing Shadows

marc b

Jack of all Trades
The Tales of Jack
Young Jack (aka YJ)


Black Jack: Faces and Aces
Jack - Life in Training
Life before Repairs - Before He became Repairman Jack

mike hanson

AlphaJack (Alpha-Jack)
Fixer Jack
FoeJack (Foe-Jack)
GoJack (go-Jack)
Handy Jack
Help Jack
HollerJack (Holler Jack)
J is for Jack (K is for Karma)
Jack of all Shades
Jacks In
Jack's In
Jack's Pact, Jack's Pack, and PackJack
K is for Karma, J is for Jack
KarmaJack (Karma-Jack)
Kick Back, Jack
Kick it Back Jack
KickerJack (Kicker-Jack)
KickJack (Kick-Jack)
Save Jack
TackleJack (Tackle-Jack)
Take it Back Jack
Toolbox Jack


Channeled Rage

paul r

A Call To Arms
A Repaiman's Apprenticeship
An Eye For An Eye: Jack's In Training
Black Jack: getting to twenty one is a learning curve
Finding The Karma Way
From A Jack To A King
Generation Jack
Genesis Of Jack
Going Underground
Growing Pains
His True Self
Jack The Lad
Jack's DIY Guide
Jack's Just Deserts
Jack's Reprisals
Justice, Altruism, Courageousness, Karma: Jack
Learning The Trade
Over The Edge
Payback Jack
Teenage Kicks
Teen-life Crisis
The Struggle Within
Tricks Of The Trade
Vigilanteen Jack
What Goes Around Comes Around


Jack of Trumps


Shadow Worker

richard kendrick

Call Jack
Do You Know Jack?
Fixed by Jack
Get Jack
Help! Jack...
Hi Jack
Hi, Jack?
Jack Of All Trades
Who is Jack?
Who's Jack?


Can't Have a Royal Flush Without a Jack
From Hack to Jack
Hit the Road, Jack
Jack in the Hole
Jack on Track: From Youth to Sleuth
Jack's on the Job
Journals of Jack
Kid Jack
Kid Jack's Journeys
Talking Jack
The Best Jobs of Jack
The Joust that Jack Built
The Misadventures of Jack
The Mysteries of Jack
Trials by Fire: Jack's Journals
Trials of Jack

scott hajek

Jack is Wild
Jack's Tools
Minor Repairs: A Guide to the Life before Repairman Jack

scott miller

A Crack in Reality/Cracks in Reality
Bending Reality
Danger Jack
Dawns A Hero
Dirty Pool
Fading Out/Fade(ing) Away
Fringe Dweller
Hammer Jack or Jack Hammer
Jack Be Nimble
Jack Delivers/Delivery Jack/Special Delivery Jack
Jack Splat
Jacked Up
One-Eyed Jack
Other Than Normal
Otherness Seeps In
Outre Limits
Outside the Lines
Poetic Jack
Poetic Justice
Reality Faults
Splitting Jack/Split Jack
The Bizarre Barrens
The Chronicles of Jack
The Other Side
The Path Less Travelled
Trader Jack
Trouble Man
Under the Radar
Jack's Journeys
Jersey Jack
Juvenile Jack


Trusting Jack


Jack Attack


Teen Vigilante


Enigmatic Jack
Extra-curricular Activities
Fade to Jack
Fair Enough
I Can Fix It
I Can Fix It For You...
In All Fairness
Jack Can Fix It
Jack Can Fix It For You...
Jack in your Corner
Jack on the Edge
Jack to the Max
Jack'd Up
Jack's Edge
Jack's Rules
Making a Difference
Neat Stuff...About Jack
Oh Boy! The Adventures of "Just Jack"
On Edge
On the Edge
Only Fair
Radical Jack
The Heart of Jack
The Jack Effect
Totally Jack
When All Else Fails
Wild Card Jack
You Never Know What Jack Might Do

yang guo

Jack: The Struggling Years
The Boy Who Would Be Jack
What You Didn't Know About Jack


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
Silverfish   06-08-2006, 11:59 AM
Webby, you missed me in your list! But don't worry, I'm not mad.

"An Alternate Career" should make the short-list. I don't like the other ones.

Thanks, Stephanie

Abe's raised eyebrows caused furrows in his extended forehead. "Five in twelve hours?"
"Oh, and like you've never had a cranky day?"
Keith the Elder   06-08-2006, 12:59 PM
Made deletions to this list

webby Wrote:Names K - Z

keith the elder

Becoming Jack
He Shall Be Jack
Jack - Out of the Box
Just Outside The Pine Barrens
Karma Chameleon
Smoldering Ember
Spontaneous Combustion
The Hidden Variable

ken valentine



Destined Jack
Fated Jack
Jack Begins
Jack Next Door
Jack;Unidentified guy
Street Smart Jack
Jack; No identity guy


A boy for hire
A boy named Jack
A Boy Other Than Us
A fix with a twist
Being Jack
Building Jack
Coming into his own
Coming of age
Enter the Barrens
Fixin it
Jack 101
Jacks' awakening
Jack's Path
Just call me Jack
Just Jack
Learning to fix
Levels on levels
Life lessons
Problems and solutions
Problems solved
Single Jack
Square pegs and round holes
Tameing the anger
The beat of a differant drum
The fix is in
The fixer upper
The making of a man
The path of most resistance
Tit for tat
To the tune of Jack
Trial by Fire
Wild Oats


Discovering Jack
Fighting the Darkness
Heir Apparent
Jack – The Years of Discovery
Jack the Adventurer
Jack’s World
Jack's Other Life
Life's Fix-its
Life's Little Fix-its
Making of an Heir
The Adventures of Jack
The Dark Place
The Mysteries of Jack
The Young Ally


Just Jack
Baby Got Jack
Catapult (name for single book rather than series)
Daredevil Jack
Discovering Jack
Genesis of Jack
Jack's Genesis
Got Your Back Jack
Half Past Jack
Heir Jack
Rarified Heir
Jack's Heritage
Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
Barnegat Bay Boy
In the Beginning He Was Jack
Into Thin Heir
Invisible Jack
Jack and Jersey and the Whole Darn Story
Jack and the Jersey Devil
Jack Equals Justice
Jack Fades Away
Jack Inside Out
Jack Unearthed
Jack Way Back
Jack Who?
Jack, We Hardly Knew Ya
Jack’s Jinx
Jack’s Judgment
Jack’s Playground
Jack’s Walkabout
Jersey Boy Makes Good
Jersey Jack the Giant Killer
Judging Jack
Judgment for Jack
Limitless Jack
My Name Is Jack, Just Jack
And They Called Him Jack
On the Outside Looking In
On the Outs
Outside Jack
Outsider Jack
Past and Future Jack
Playing Jack
Presently Jack
Heir to the Other
Adversary Jack
Jack and the Others
Other than Jack
My Name is Jack
Suddenly He’s Jack
The Boy Who Dared the Devil
The Jack You Never Knew
The Jack You’ll Never Know
The Jersey Devil, The Pine Barrens and Jack
The Life and Times of Young Jersey Jack
Solo Jack
Their Son Was Jack
What Makes A Boy A Jack
What Makes a Boy An Heir
Who Do You Call – Jack!
Who’s That Jack?


Balancing Act
Balancing Jack
Fair Play
Hiding in Shadows
Shadow Master
Stealing Shadows

marc b

Jack of all Trades
The Tales of Jack
Young Jack (aka YJ)


Black Jack: Faces and Aces
Jack - Life in Training
Life before Repairs - Before He became Repairman Jack

mike hanson

AlphaJack (Alpha-Jack)
Fixer Jack
FoeJack (Foe-Jack)
GoJack (go-Jack)
Handy Jack
Help Jack
HollerJack (Holler Jack)
J is for Jack (K is for Karma)
Jack of all Shades
Jacks In
Jack's In
Jack's Pact, Jack's Pack, and PackJack
K is for Karma, J is for Jack
KarmaJack (Karma-Jack)
Kick Back, Jack
Kick it Back Jack
KickerJack (Kicker-Jack)
KickJack (Kick-Jack)
Save Jack
TackleJack (Tackle-Jack)
Take it Back Jack
Toolbox Jack


Channeled Rage

paul r

A Call To Arms
A Repaiman's Apprenticeship
An Eye For An Eye: Jack's In Training
Black Jack: getting to twenty one is a learning curve
Finding The Karma Way
From A Jack To A King
Generation Jack
Genesis Of Jack
Going Underground
Growing Pains
His True Self
Jack The Lad
Jack's DIY Guide
Jack's Just Deserts
Jack's Reprisals
Justice, Altruism, Courageousness, Karma: Jack
Learning The Trade
Over The Edge
Payback Jack
Teenage Kicks
Teen-life Crisis
The Struggle Within
Tricks Of The Trade
Vigilanteen Jack
What Goes Around Comes Around


Jack of Trumps


Shadow Worker

richard kendrick

Call Jack
Do You Know Jack?
Fixed by Jack
Get Jack
Help! Jack...
Hi Jack
Hi, Jack?
Jack Of All Trades
Who is Jack?
Who's Jack?


Can't Have a Royal Flush Without a Jack
From Hack to Jack
Hit the Road, Jack
Jack in the Hole
Jack on Track: From Youth to Sleuth
Jack's on the Job
Journals of Jack
Kid Jack
Kid Jack's Journeys
Talking Jack
The Best Jobs of Jack
The Joust that Jack Built
The Misadventures of Jack
The Mysteries of Jack
Trials by Fire: Jack's Journals
Trials of Jack

scott hajek

Jack is Wild
Jack's Tools
Minor Repairs: A Guide to the Life before Repairman Jack

scott miller

A Crack in Reality/Cracks in Reality
A Few Small Repairs
Baron Hood-ya know barrens + Robin Hood
Bending Reality
Cold Serve
Crooked Arrow
Danger Jack
Dawns A Hero
Dirty Pool
Don't Mess Around With Jack
Eerie Events
Exploring the Eerie
Fading Out/Fade(ing) Away
Fighting Back
For Every Little Action...
Forged in Fairness
Fringe Dweller
Germinating Jack or Jack Germinates
Hammer Jack or Jack Hammer
Hijacking Justice
Hood of Jack
Jack Be Nimble
Jack Delivers/Delivery Jack/Special Delivery Jack
Jack Fights Back
Jack Hood
Jack Splat
Jack Strikes Back
Jacked Up
Justice Delivered/Delivering Justice
Justice HiJACK
Mysterious Mayhem
No Easy Answers
One-Eyed Jack
Other Than Normal
Otherness Seeps In
Outre Limits
Outside of Ordinary
Outside the Lines
Poetic Jack
Poetic Justice
Reality Faults
Reasonable Revenge/Rightful Revenge
Re-Jack-Tion or Extreme Re-Jack-Tion
Setting the Record Straight
Splitting Jack/Split Jack
The Bizarre Barrens
The Chronicles of Jack
The Equalizer
the Equalizer
The Jack Attack
The Other Reality
The Other Side
The Path Less Travelled
The Unlikely Hero or Unlikeliest
Trader Jack
Trouble Man
Under the Radar
Unexplainable Events
Wasteland of Weird
Weed Puller
Won't Jack Down
Jack's Journeys
Jersey Jack
Juvenile Jack
The Judge and Jury with an optional Jack
The Journey of Jack


Trusting Jack


Jack Attack


Teen Vigilante


Enigmatic Jack
Extra-curricular Activities
Fade to Jack
Fair Enough
I Can Fix It
I Can Fix It For You...
In All Fairness
Jack Can Fix It
Jack Can Fix It For You...
Jack in your Corner
Jack on the Edge
Jack to the Max
Jack'd Up
Jack's Edge
Jack's Rules
Making a Difference
Neat Stuff...About Jack
Oh Boy! The Adventures of "Just Jack"
On Edge
On the Edge
Only Fair
Radical Jack
The Heart of Jack
The Jack Effect
Totally Jack
When All Else Fails
Wild Card Jack
You Never Know What Jack Might Do

yang guo

Jack: The Struggling Years
The Boy Who Would Be Jack
What You Didn't Know About Jack

"Think for yourself and question authority" Leary

By the way, How are things in your town?
webby   06-08-2006, 02:53 PM
Silverfish Wrote:Webby, you missed me in your list! But don't worry, I'm not mad.

"An Alternate Career" should make the short-list. I don't like the other ones.

Thanks, Stephanie

Dang, you caught me! Wink No, seriously - I'm so sorry! I don't know how that happened but I'm glad you caught it. I'll double-check to make sure nobody else got dropped off. Yikes!

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

webby   06-08-2006, 05:43 PM
Man, I hate to add more to the list, but this is the one that's been trying to come to the front of my brain all week....

If You Knew Jack...

Sheesh, talk about pulling teeth. Smile

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

jaybird   06-08-2006, 06:13 PM
Apparently I'm a little late to the games but, here goes.

Tomorrow's Warrior

Before the Other

The Chosen

Genesis of a Saviour

Unknown Hero

Preparing for War

The days before darkness

Recruited Youth

Creation of an Unknown Man

My ideas aren't quite as creative as some others, but I will submit these. Good luck Paul. You have got a lot of choosing to do. Don't burn yourself out.:p

:p A good horror story will keep you up at night
FFDoc911   06-08-2006, 08:43 PM
Hey Guys, Thanks for the welcomes. And yes, I'm a firefighter/paramedic.Big Grin
FFDoc911   06-08-2006, 09:14 PM
I still like "Starter Kits" or maybe " Jack: Starter Kits" or " A Repairmans Starter Kit"
peachynat   06-09-2006, 01:08 PM
How about: (I like these, but can't claim them as my own; Jaybird threw these out to me and I thought I'd pass them along)

Equalizer Jack

Chosen Warrior

Unsuspecting Warrior

Tomorrow's Hero

Pre-destined Hero

Invisible Hero
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