Just now, I finished watching remains of Masters of Horror.
"Chocolate" was WASTE OF TIME! Boring! I think this is worst episode in season 1.
"Fair Haired Child" was pretty scary. Monster's jerkily walking freaked me out. That was good effect.
"Dance of the Dead" was.....hmm, I read original short story by Richard Matheson. Original was good, but adaptation got big mistake. It's too bad.
"Haeckel's Tale" was original by Clive Barker? But I don't remember this story. Story itself was pretty good.
"Deer Woman"! I like this!

Too hilarious!
"Homecoming"...In season 1, this episode was best to me. Voting by zombies! What a weird idea! I like it! Did anyone notice G.A. Romero's tombstone?
Ah.........I can't wait for season 2!