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Anders Monsen   06-08-2006, 12:02 AM
I saw X3 last night. Picked the wrong night to go, as tons of kids out trying to watch The Omen on 6/6/06. Er, I saw that movie years ago. No interest in the remake.

I liked X3, though the pacing seemed inconsistent. Lots of foreshadowing, which screenwriters love, but I hate (Magneto talking chess metaphors at Alcatraz, ending playng chess; Xavier telling Storm she would be a great heir, then well, I won't spoil it; Xavier lecturing about mind transfer, and then the post-credits teaser, etc.). I can understand Jean as Phoenix holding back until the end - she was the queen on the chessboard; you don't waste her. Lots of characters new and old, and little time for each. That's the fact of an ensemble action movie. Like the Spike/Wolverine scene, but Juggernaut should change his name to Dumbernaught. Angel and Beast were magnificent, and fit in quite well. All three movies are pretty much on equal level in my opnion. Not the best stuff out there, but well worth the entertainment value. I didn't really read the comics as a kid, so no one character means more to me than any other. I certainly can understand Rogue's actions, but judging from Magneto's last action, the "cure" is hardly permanent. I liked the fact that characters actually died in this movie. That's bold.
Medusa   06-21-2006, 02:44 PM

We finally went to see this. I really did like it. I do wish they would've showed more about the new mutants. I think that's half the fun of the X-men movies. I was REALLY upset when Scott and Xavier died. I was actually crying in the theater. And we didn't stay during the credits to hear the "voice" and now I'm mad at myself for that.

I have to admit though, waiting til a movie has been out a while has its advantages. Including us there were about 15 people in the whole theater. But wouldn't you know it, out of only 15, some idiots had to bring a little baby. And naturally the baby cried. I think it should be banned! (a little extreme, maybe?)
KRW   07-10-2006, 11:44 PM
Finally caught this on the silver screen. All in all, it was a descent movie, but since I didn't keep up with the X-Men comics, I wonder how much happened. Is anyone out there that can tell me? Or was it artistic liscence?

Kenji   09-10-2006, 05:50 AM
Today, I saw "X-Men 3". I found just three factors in this film.

Huge spectacle SFX(fighting scenes were all excellent and awesome)

Enchanting characters(Especially, I like Angel. I want wings!)

Completely changed plots(Jean's Phoenix is another story. I wanted to see Dark Phoenix saga.....I dunno why did film makers change original plot. And, Juggernaut is actually professor X's brother.)


God damn you screenwriters! Look at what you've done to ProfessorX and Cyclops, and Jean Grey! Why should they die? Is this really the last of X-Men? There is really no "X-Men 4"? I'm angry and sad......
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