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SDSwami   06-21-2006, 10:23 PM
Just finished Harbingers today (I know, I'm slow, but each RJ book is like a fine wine for me, made for sipping) and all I have to say is DAMN. Few books get me emotional and this one did it. The scene with Jack in the morgue viewing Emma that first time about had me sobbing. To see Jack break down emotionally like he did was heart-wrenching (definately a side we're not used to).

Thanks again FPW. Every book I read of yours reminds me why your at the top of my list for favorite authors.

BTW, the scene with Jack taking out Miller and his cronies was great. I love the fresh approach you always come up with for Jack and his "repairs".
ccosborne3   06-24-2006, 05:00 PM
Loved the book but...

What happened, FPW? You had Gia and Vicky as close to dead as can possibly be. As a matter of fact they were pretty much brought back from the dead as they had no chance for survival.

Deep down you want them dead. Why not just pull the trigger on it and get it over with?
jaybird   06-26-2006, 04:03 PM
ccosborne3 Wrote:Loved the book but...

What happened, FPW? You had Gia and Vicky as close to dead as can possibly be. As a matter of fact they were pretty much brought back from the dead as they had no chance for survival.

Deep down you want them dead. Why not just pull the trigger on it and get it over with?
Wha..... Hey, wait a minute! Who are you working for? It sounds like you and Rasalom may be spending to much time together. "I" don't want Gia and Vicki dead. I hope FPW dosen't either. You'd better be careful. I'm friends with a lady with a dog, a big dog. I happen to know that he likes nuts. You know, the kind wrapped in BVD's. I'll have her turn the pooch loose on you if you don't ease up on Gia and Vicki.

:p A good horror story will keep you up at night
Bluesman Mike Lindner   06-26-2006, 04:48 PM
ccosborne3 Wrote:Loved the book but...

What happened, FPW? You had Gia and Vicky as close to dead as can possibly be. As a matter of fact they were pretty much brought back from the dead as they had no chance for survival.

Deep down you want them dead. Why not just pull the trigger on it and get it over with?

Mercy, Ccosborne3--seems you know Paul's fiction better than he does. How long you been him?
ccosborne3   06-26-2006, 10:47 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Mercy, Ccosborne3--seems you know Paul's fiction better than he does. How long you been him?

Come on now, Mike. FPW obviously has a problem with the two ladies. Gia and Vicky have survived the following.

1. The Rakoshi
2. Tara Portman's ghost
3. The runaway truck
4. The stain
5. The 2nd runaway truck, which actually ran them down.

Rambo faced less adversity.
cobalt   06-26-2006, 11:03 PM
ccosborne3 Wrote:Come on now, Mike. FPW obviously has a problem with the two ladies. Gia and Vicky have survived the following.

1. The Rakoshi
2. Tara Portman's ghost
3. The runaway truck
4. The stain
5. The 2nd runaway truck, which actually ran them down.

Rambo faced less adversity.
The two ladies in question are the light and love of Jack's life. Bad enough all others of his family were taken away. These two he gets to keep, but "forces" are trying to take them from him. All the better to keep him fighting after all.

ccosborne3   06-26-2006, 11:40 PM

jaybird Wrote:"I" don't want Gia and Vicki dead. I hope FPW dosen't either.

Why should they be special?

If you look at FPW's full body of work you'll see thousands of fictional deaths. Little Danny Gordon from Reprisal had about as hard a death as any fictional character ever. I would have preferred that the children in Blackwind hadn't been mutilated but they were. Jamey Grant and the nun from Criscross both went down hard. It can be a cold cruel fictional world.Wink

Sometimes justice is served and sometimes it isn't. In Reborn, the hippy asshole reporter for The Light that prints the story that results in Jim Hanley's death, walks away scott free (that one always puzzled me, if anyone ever had it coming it was that shitbird. ) Why wasn't he killed? I always figured that part got edited out, but who knows?

Just an opinion.
This post was last modified: 06-26-2006, 11:43 PM by ccosborne3.
fpw   06-27-2006, 09:01 AM
ccosborne3 Wrote:In Reborn, the hippy asshole reporter for The Light that prints the story that results in Jim Hanley's death, walks away scott free (that one always puzzled me, if anyone ever had it coming it was that shitbird. ) Why wasn't he killed? I always figured that part got edited out, but who knows?

[SIZE="3"]The Mills of the Gods Grind Slow, but they Grind Exceeding Small[/SIZE]

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
ccosborne3   06-27-2006, 10:57 PM
fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]The Mills of the Gods Grind Slow, but they Grind Exceeding Small[/SIZE]

Goddamn my limited 10th grade education. Is it even possible for a statement to be more cryptic than that?:p

I'll keep an eye out. I really hated that guy and I'd hate to miss his comeuppance. Unless I already missed it somehow in an obscure short story. I paid close attention in Criscross and Hosts to see if he would creep into the storyline.

Make it bloody.
Kenji   07-12-2006, 11:00 AM
[SIZE="5"]Spoiler Alert[/SIZE]

A few days ago I finished reading "HARBINGERS". First one word is...."Shocking". Gia and Vicky's accident....I worried about them, but after all they appear in Nightworld, so I guessed everything's going well. But Emma...oh, poor baby.Sad

Anyway, I liked this book. Especially Jack vs. Miller and his yeniceri in warehouse. Boobie traps were effective!

As usual, when I was reading book, I imagined characters = actors. Zeklos was definitely Steve Buscemi. Big Grin

Miller = Phillip Seymore Hoffman
Cal = Emilio Estevez
Oculus = Anthony Hopkins

By the way, in "The Haunted Air", cult group CIRCLE cut out heart from child for ceremony. And, in this "Harbingers", Rasalom cut out Oculus's heart. So...CIRCLE is connected to Otherness? Belitto(sp?) died in "The Haunted Air", but how about other members in CIRCLE? Are they still continuing activity? In my guess, CIRCLE will appear in next RJ book.....?
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