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Anders Monsen   05-03-2006, 06:31 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Our old pal Russ Madden has a home page, and by God if he doesn't offer a thoughtful review of RJ10 (or is it 9? Paul--help us out!) I won't (can't!) say more, as I haven't read the book yet. I don't think I'm alone in missing Russ. But jeez, it seems to me that some proud Libertarians are =so= thin- skinned! I'm perhaps the sweetest creature aliveRolleyes , and I've heard monstrous comment about my philosophy, politics, musical faves, and even my taste in lager. But I haven't gone off in a snit! Guess us New York hombres are built sturdier.. .(Russ mentions beer: something like, "Davis passed the first test: he didn't drink Bud or Bud Light." And he wonders if you can judge a man on his taste in beer. Well, #1, to a limited extent, sure you can. And #2, sure you can!) But it was nice to see Russ writing about Paul's fiction. And I hope he'll rejoin the gang.

I ran Russ' review of Harbingers in the newsletter that I edit, Prometheus, in April. I envy him as Gauntlet sends him review copies of FPW's books, but I also think Russ writes long, thoughtful reviews and essays. Many people passionate about politics are thin-skinned, not just libertarians; you can't paint with such a wide brush Cool
KRW   05-03-2006, 09:23 PM
Anders Monsen Wrote:I ran Russ' review of Harbingers in the newsletter that I edit, Prometheus, in April. I envy him as Gauntlet sends him review copies of FPW's books, but I also think Russ writes long, thoughtful reviews and essays. Many people passionate about politics are thin-skinned, not just libertarians; you can't paint with such a wide brush Cool

After an episode of "Simon and Simon", I started to wonder how many other people standing in line to sign the Decleration Of Independece didn't get a chance to because John Hancock was so passionate about the King of England being able to read his name. (In case anyone is wondering, The King of England couldn't see up close very well. So Hancock signed his name REALLY big so the king could read it)

Bluesman Mike Lindner   05-07-2006, 07:46 PM
Anders Monsen Wrote:I ran Russ' review of Harbingers in the newsletter that I edit, Prometheus, in April. I envy him as Gauntlet sends him review copies of FPW's books, but I also think Russ writes long, thoughtful reviews and essays. Many people passionate about politics are thin-skinned, not just libertarians; you can't paint with such a wide brush Cool

This is true, Anders, but as Paul wrote about the sad affair, there's just no place on this board for calling someone an asshole. Take their opinions, their scholarship, their comprehension of affairs to the mat, and good on yez. But crude personal insult is beyond the pale for our suave and courteous gang. That's my understanding, anyway.
Anders Monsen   05-08-2006, 12:29 AM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:This is true, Anders, but as Paul wrote about the sad affair, there's just no place on this board for calling someone an asshole. Take their opinions, their scholarship, their comprehension of affairs to the mat, and good on yez. But crude personal insult is beyond the pale for our suave and courteous gang. That's my understanding, anyway.

Bluesman, I agree completely. Name-calling does not belong on this board, and that applies to people from all political walks. You just can't say say all libertarians are thin-skinned, is all. When I state that, it by no means I excuse or condone name-calling. I've been in the libertarian camp since 1985, and don't really see myself as thin-skinned. But then, I tend to stay out of arguements, as I'm far from the libertarian mainstream since I eschew all political action.
luthie2   05-15-2006, 05:31 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Our old pal Russ Madden has a home page, and by God if he doesn't offer a thoughtful review of RJ10 (or is it 9? Paul--help us out!) I won't (can't!) say more, as I haven't read the book yet. I don't think I'm alone in missing Russ. But jeez, it seems to me that some proud Libertarians are =so= thin- skinned! I'm perhaps the sweetest creature aliveRolleyes , and I've heard monstrous comment about my philosophy, politics, musical faves, and even my taste in lager. But I haven't gone off in a snit! Guess us New York hombres are built sturdier.. .(Russ mentions beer: something like, "Davis passed the first test: he didn't drink Bud or Bud Light." And he wonders if you can judge a man on his taste in beer. Well, #1, to a limited extent, sure you can. And #2, sure you can!) But it was nice to see Russ writing about Paul's fiction. And I hope he'll rejoin the gang.

I tried to look for Russ' review of Harbingers on his website, but couldn't find it. The most recent FPW review that I saw was for Infernal. Do you have a link, or can you possibly point me in the right direction?


Bluesman Mike Lindner   05-15-2006, 07:09 PM
luthie2 Wrote:I tried to look for Russ' review of Harbingers on his website, but couldn't find it. The most recent FPW review that I saw was for Infernal. Do you have a link, or can you possibly point me in the right direction?



Susan, I just googled "russ madden harbingers" which gave me ATLAS MAGAZINE. Click on that.
luthie2   05-15-2006, 07:57 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Susan, I just googled "russ madden harbingers" which gave me ATLAS MAGAZINE. Click on that.

Found it.


Bluesman Mike Lindner   05-15-2006, 08:15 PM
luthie2 Wrote:Found it.



My pleasure.
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