jaybird Wrote:My book is horror fiction. It is my first one. The title is Vengeful Spirits. It starts of in 1865 during the Civil War in a small town in Georgia, Madison. The owners of a Plantation just outside of town are murdered by A.W.O.L. union soliders...... Years later in 1965, the grandson of one of the rogue Union soliders buys the house, not knowing it's history or his connection to it. The ghosts of the murdered plantation owners want vengence. To bad for Eddie, he's the last survivor in his family so, he pays for his grandfathers murder, along with his wife.
If you like horror with a bit of mystery, touched with a pinch of gore, you should like it. I sent the manuscript off last thursday . Hopefully by May it will be ready to order.
jaybird Wrote:My book is horror fiction. It is my first one. The title is Vengeful Spirits. It starts of in 1865 during the Civil War in a small town in Georgia, Madison. The owners of a Plantation just outside of town are murdered by A.W.O.L. union soliders...... Years later in 1965, the grandson of one of the rogue Union soliders buys the house, not knowing it's history or his connection to it. The ghosts of the murdered plantation owners want vengence. To bad for Eddie, he's the last survivor in his family so, he pays for his grandfathers murder, along with his wife.That sounds pretty cool.
If you like horror with a bit of mystery, touched with a pinch of gore, you should like it. I sent the manuscript off last thursday . Hopefully by May it will be ready to order.
jaybird Wrote:I'm started to get excited.
jimbow8 Wrote:Out of curiosity, since you seem to like Civil War things, and since this thread is about horror movies, have you seen Dead Birds?
KRW Wrote:Cool! I'm looking forward to reading it! Definatley keep us posted!I used Union soliders because, historicly it's correct. The story uses history as a guide but takes it's own course. I also took advantage of the opportunity to sort of jab the Yankees in the ribs a little
(I wonder why you used Union solsiers?)
jimbow8 Wrote:That sounds pretty cool.No. I've never heard of it. Should I have? I remember when I was a kid I remember seeing "The Birds". If I remember correctly, the birds would attack and kill people.
Yes, keep us posted.
Out of curiosity, since you seem to like Civil War things, and since this thread is about horror movies, have you seen Dead Birds?
peachynat Wrote:I haven't seen this, nor heard of it, but it sounds interesting. Can you give me some details?? How old of a movie is it? Is it easy to find? etc.