jaybird Wrote:Holy crap man. We won't hear from you for weeks.
Kenji Wrote:I'm still reading Harbingers, and I have question about some words. I don't know those words. What are their meanings?
"MV" in page 45.
webby Wrote:"Yeniceri" is either made-up or based on the name of a similar organization in actual history (I'm not sure which - maybe someone else knows). If you haven't got to the page in the book that explains the word "Yeniceri" yet, you will soon.
Same answer for "MV". It will be explained soon in your reading.
Quote:I was just wondering yesterday how your reading of Harbingers was going.
webby Wrote:"Yeniceri" is either made-up or based on the name of a similar organization in actual history (I'm not sure which - maybe someone else knows). ..
cobalt79 Wrote:Kenji,
Not only can you speak, read and write another language, your grammer is pretty darn good. Most Americans can't speak, let alone write another language. Some Americans even don't speak English well!! My Italian is fair, my French poor and if I remember enough German to say hello, how are you, I'd be lucky. To read the other languages, let alone try to read out loud, it would be pitiful. So don't sell your self short, slower is better than not at all. :p
cobalt79 Wrote:Kenji,
Not only can you speak, read and write another language, your grammer is pretty darn good. Most Americans can't speak, let alone write another language. Some Americans even don't speak English well!! My Italian is fair, my French poor and if I remember enough German to say hello, how are you, I'd be lucky. To read the other languages, let alone try to read out loud, it would be pitiful. So don't sell your self short, slower is better than not at all. :p
Kenji Wrote:Thanks, cobalt.Kenji, you don't give yourself nearly enough credit. You have better grammar (written, I can't say about speaking) than many Americans do. You have also improved IMMENSELY in the few years that you have been on this board. You have MUCH better grammar and are MUCH more easily understandable than you were a few years ago. Just the mere fact that you know and can understand another language is quite an accomplishment. Don't belittle that accomplishment just because you are still learning some things and not an "expert." I, personally, am extremely impressed.
But my grammar is not good. Japanese grammar and English grammar is completely different. :eek:
Usually, when I reads English book, I do set aside a pencil and notebook and dictionary. Then if I got unknown words, I search that meaning of words and I write that meaning on notebook. Then when next those words come again, I re-see the notebook. But that is only first 100 pages or so. After 100 pages, I don't need dictionary. Because I remember the meaning of words. For example, now I remember "Suburban". I didn't know that word. We call it "Kogai" in Japanese. Suburban.....this word sounds superbly agreeable for me.It's a new word for me.
But I couldn't find out "yeniceri" and "MV" in my dictionary. So I asked about it to somebody.
jimbow8 Wrote:Kenji, you don't give yourself nearly enough credit. You have better grammar (written, I can't say about speaking) than many Americans do. You have also improved IMMENSELY in the few years that you have been on this board. You have MUCH better grammar and are MUCH more easily understandable than you were a few years ago. Just the mere fact that you know and can understand another language is quite an accomplishment. Don't belittle that accomplishment just because you are still learning some things and not an "expert." I, personally, am extremely impressed.