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Noelie   11-17-2005, 07:17 PM
I thought it did ok as a teaser, though I wasn't really clear that it was zombies. I knew it was something scary, but maybe it was a little too dark for me to tell it was zombies. It did make me interested in seeing more, i.e. a full trailer, so in that respect, it probably did what it was intended to do. Wink

How many vikings does it take to change a light bulb?

None. The light from the burning monastery is more than sufficient.

May the Norse be with you.

Tony H   11-19-2005, 01:31 PM
Hmm, Like others I thought it was a little shaky, but I am most interested in seeing more. Teasers are notorious for giving NOTHING away. Look at the Superman returns teaser. It shows just enough but I have no clue what the new movie holds other than a man flying around in tights.

I can't wait to see the full trailer for DITW though when more is given to the viewer. Overall good job.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
thisisatest   12-07-2005, 10:06 PM
APhew Wrote:I agree, but I don't like your sequence. It should go: Zombie. Zombie. Zombie. Zombie. Zombie. Zombie. Zombie. Zombie. Monkey. Zombie. Titles.

Man, once again your right. I hate trailers that show characters and acting and stuff. Stick to just showing Zombie. Zombie. Zombie. Zombie...

Yes, the titles need to start as a dot in the middle of screen and then grow larger and spin around until they stop spinning and are upside down. Then they should slowly drip until they are right side up. As they are dripping they should turn red (you know, like blood). Bloody titles rule dude!!!

In all seriousness, one can only hope that it gets picked up for distribution. I can't wait to see the final product.

I forwarded the trailer on to a good friend of mine who does not make films and who at one time thought that squirrels were conspiring to kill him and everything he held dear. He enjoyed it.

Steve D
If this is any indication of the professionalism I almost invested into, then I dodged a bullet. I hope aphew is not your pr man/woman. Is there something this board has against saynomore that I'm missing? Or is this an east versus west coast thing? I'll back my west coast rj board neighbor in that case. Grrr.

Hey, saynomore... my sis is in the biz too. email me. maybe I can help with that Keepsakes anthology you've been sitting on. maybe we can meet at Dark Delicacies and have lunch. no need to wait until next november. you've got one friend on the board. hope to see you soon.

"He knows more than you've ever your little finger." Laurel's Sister defending Stan to Oliver.
t4terrific   12-07-2005, 11:58 PM
thisisatest Wrote:Steve D
If this is any indication of the professionalism I almost invested into, then I dodged a bullet. I hope aphew is not your pr man/woman. Is there something this board has against saynomore that I'm missing? Or is this an east versus west coast thing? I'll back my west coast rj board neighbor in that case. Grrr.

Hey, saynomore... my sis is in the biz too. email me. maybe I can help with that Keepsakes anthology you've been sitting on. maybe we can meet at Dark Delicacies and have lunch. no need to wait until next november. you've got one friend on the board. hope to see you soon.

I don't think there is anything wrong with speaking your mind. I was raised to do it. There is a flipside though. People might not like what you have to say. In that case you need thick skin and an ability to accept the fact that all of your opinions may not "get over" with everyone. Apparently Saynomore has developed the necessary thick skin to handle the backlash of voicing his opinions (even when they are not the popular concensus).

For my part, I can't seem to get the teasers to play on my computer. My opinion is, if I can't see them, then they suck!! Hahaa!!! Big Grin
Marc   12-08-2005, 12:32 AM
thisisatest Wrote:If this is any indication of the professionalism I almost invested into, then I dodged a bullet.

If you think so. And I wish you wouldn't attack my professionalism based on what others say.

Quote:I hope aphew is not your pr man/woman.

He's not. He's just someone I trust to give constructive opinions. Saynomore is also entitled to his opinions. In this instance I don't agree with him on how he thinks the teaser should play out but that's just me. Others may agree with him.

In the end I'm trying to put together a movie I think is fun and entertaining. Saynomore has already expressed his dislike for the film. That's fine. He obviously has different tastes in movies than I do.
This post was last modified: 12-08-2005, 12:53 AM by Marc.
saynomore   12-08-2005, 03:14 PM
Marc B. Wrote:Saynomore has already expressed his dislike for the film. That's fine. He obviously has different tastes in movies than I do.

Please don't put words in my mouth over what Steve said. I haven't even seen the movie so how can I dislike it? My opinion of the Dead in the Water teaser was a straightforward opinion, not a criticism. And to top it off, most of the posts echoed my sentiment. I plan to see the movie. I plan to tell all my friends and family to see the movie...not just because I like horror films, but because that's my way of investing in the film you made. I am not financially secure enough like Steve to put money into the film, so I'll help out in my own little way in my little corner of the world. After I've watched the movie, I'll let you know if I liked it or disliked it.


P.S. How's distribution going?
dejo   12-08-2005, 04:06 PM
saynomore Wrote:And the title letters--why are they ascending? How do their ascension relate to this being a horror movie?

Um, look again. The title letters are descending.
saynomore   12-08-2005, 04:14 PM
dejo Wrote:Um, look again. The title letters are descending.

Same difference. Big Grin


P.S. Always wanted to say that: Same difference.
dejo   12-08-2005, 04:25 PM
Marc B. I liked it! Having put together my own teaser trailers, I can appreciate the work it takes to pull something like this together. It's not easy, is it? I woulda liked some eerie music playing during the opening dialogue bit and during the end titles. Having long(-ish) sections of dialogue without backing soundtrack always reminds me of indie films. But that's just me.
Marc   12-08-2005, 05:11 PM
saynomore Wrote:Please don't put words in my mouth over what Steve said.

My bad. I was remembering your message a little differently than it actually is (just went back and re-read it).

Quote:P.S. How's distribution going?

We've talked to a few direct-to-video distributors who are interested but want to see the final (or close to) final product. Since we're still cutting (just finished the second rough cut) and still need to get music and clean up the audio we've been holding off. And we might hold off anyway since we'd like to try and get a theatrical run, no matter how small, before video.

I'll be posting updates here when we make any final decisions and/or deals.
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