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Ossicle   10-24-2005, 05:41 PM
[QUOTE=KRW]She DID watch Jack disassemble it right? Plus it was a strait forward bomb. No frills, only thrills. She was also pretty desperate at the time, so if she watched Jack disasseble it, it's no stretch to think she could reassemble it.

Whoops! If she did, I forgot. That would be an excellent explanation.

Paul R   10-24-2005, 06:30 PM
Ossicle Wrote:Given Maggers's endorsement and your own apparent ingenuousness, I'll take this as sincere.

However, I think it would be worth your time to revisit what you said, as your remarks certainly come across as controlling/censuring.

You wrote:

"[C]an't you just sit down and read a book without overly analyzing it?"
"Every time I see a thread that you've started, you seem to be saying how he could have or should have done something different, or - in your eyes - better."
"Just sit back and enjoy!"
"[Ossicle] seems to be so very negative."
"[Ossicle] seems to be in a different corner than everybody else."

You cannot fail to see that, in the above, you _are_ expressing a not-at-all humble preference for what I write. You can play semantic games if you want, but among the accurate ways to describe that preference, when it's conveyed in the language you use, is "controlling/censuring." Even if you believe you don't mean it that way.

Then there's the material quoted at the very top of this post:


"You seem to be an intelligent person, so I'm surprised you've decided to dissect what I've written and come to such conclusions."

That one's a doozy. You relate two separate things to (the presence or absence of) intelligence: (i) my "dissecting" what you wrote and (ii) me coming to the conclusions I did about it.

(i) is simply a bad point (are you really prepared to argue that it's unintelligent to reply to someone's remarks about oneself?). (ii) cuts in the opposite direction than you would like: my conclusions, per the above quotes from your posts, are correct, whereas your beliefs about what you posted are incorrect.


"All I was saying was that you should just sit back and enjoy a book instead of pulling it to pieces."

Mind more boggled than ever, I can only say: In your world it is not controlling to tell someone what they should and should not discuss, and how they should and should not read?

Obviously, feel free to reply, but I won't be reading it.

I'm going to bite my tongue and resist replying to such an arguementative and... silly post.
Like I said, I have never and nor will I ever try to control what someone can say. I still think you should spend more time enjoying a book than trying to rewrite it. Yes, it's good to have a differing point of view, and yes it's good to 'argue your corner' (I've put it in inverted commas this time so that you might take it as the throwaway phrase it is, rather than taking it too personally) but I think that sometimes you express your opinions in an insulting and arrogant manner. It's good to challenge a theory or a written text; it isn't so good to state it as plainly wrong.
I'll continue to read your posts (as I'll hope you continue to read mine) as I do find them a good read (in fact, it's true to say that I haven't posted with this much enthusiasm for a long time, and that's simply down to your posts) but I don't think this sort of arguement on the forum is a good idea. It's probably better if we agree to disagree and move on. Feel free to PM me if you like but try and keep it nice.
Show's over folks Big Grin .
Bluesman Mike Lindner   10-24-2005, 07:02 PM
Ossicle Wrote:[QUOTE=KRW]She DID watch Jack disassemble it right? Plus it was a strait forward bomb. No frills, only thrills. She was also pretty desperate at the time, so if she watched Jack disasseble it, it's no stretch to think she could reassemble it.

Whoops! If she did, I forgot. That would be an excellent explanation.


For Christ's sake, Ossicle, do me a solid and relax. As Springsteen put it, we ain't here on business, baby, we're only here for fun.
KRW   10-24-2005, 09:08 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:[QUOTE=Ossicle]

For Christ's sake, Ossicle, do me a solid and relax. As Springsteen put it, we ain't here on business, baby, we're only here for fun.

Ossicle has brought up some great points worth thinking about in FPW's works. Some are about discrepensies, some are about the weird. I don't understand all of Wilsons work, but it's fun to think about. If I was to read an entire novel, and at the end left with nothing to ponder, I would feel the author was lacking. If writing doesn't inspire thought, then it isn't worth reading. IMO, FPW is one of the best at this. Every book is a stand alone, but he can weave them together and actually add very subtle things to make you wonder about other novels he's written. The first time I read his books, I blow through them in a day or two. The second time, I take it slower. Trying to comprehend everything the book is trying to say. I don't care how small the point.

If Oss has questions about one of FPW's books, where better to go than here?

But don't tell him to chill and just enjoy it. Because there are differant ways to enjoy books.
Snake   10-24-2005, 09:52 PM
KRW Wrote:[QUOTE=Bluesman Mike Lindner]

Ossicle has brought up some great points worth thinking about in FPW's works. Some are about discrepensies, some are about the weird. I don't understand all of Wilsons work, but it's fun to think about. If I was to read an entire novel, and at the end left with nothing to ponder, I would feel the author was lacking. If writing doesn't inspire thought, then it isn't worth reading. IMO, FPW is one of the best at this. Every book is a stand alone, but he can weave them together and actually add very subtle things to make you wonder about other novels he's written. The first time I read his books, I blow through them in a day or two. The second time, I take it slower. Trying to comprehend everything the book is trying to say. I don't care how small the point.

If Oss has questions about one of FPW's books, where better to go than here?

But don't tell him to chill and just enjoy it. Because there are differant ways to enjoy books.

I agree. Oss can say whatever the f*&k he wants. Doesn't mean anybody else has to agree with him, or that he knows his head from his ass for that matter.

Does everyone on this board have to consistantly agree on everything? That's more than a little lame if you ask me. What kind of discussions do you all hope to have if everyone just sits around saying things like

"Oh, I loved Reborn. What about you?"
"Oh, I loved Reborn too. What about Sibs? Did you just love Sibs?"
"Oh Yes, I loved Sibs."

L-A-M-E, lame.
t4terrific   10-24-2005, 11:30 PM
Snake Wrote:[QUOTE=KRW]

I agree. Oss can say whatever the f*&k he wants. Doesn't mean anybody else has to agree with him, or that he knows his head from his ass for that matter.

Does everyone on this board have to consistantly agree on everything? That's more than a little lame if you ask me. What kind of discussions do you all hope to have if everyone just sits around saying things like

"Oh, I loved Reborn. What about you?"
"Oh, I loved Reborn too. What about Sibs? Did you just love Sibs?"
"Oh Yes, I loved Sibs."

L-A-M-E, lame.

I loved Reborn. What about you?
t4terrific   10-24-2005, 11:35 PM
Paul R Wrote:I'm going to bite my tongue and resist replying to such an arguementative and... silly post.
Like I said, I have never and nor will I ever try to control what someone can say. I still think you should spend more time enjoying a book than trying to rewrite it. Yes, it's good to have a differing point of view, and yes it's good to 'argue your corner' (I've put it in inverted commas this time so that you might take it as the throwaway phrase it is, rather than taking it too personally) but I think that sometimes you express your opinions in an insulting and arrogant manner. It's good to challenge a theory or a written text; it isn't so good to state it as plainly wrong.
I'll continue to read your posts (as I'll hope you continue to read mine) as I do find them a good read (in fact, it's true to say that I haven't posted with this much enthusiasm for a long time, and that's simply down to your posts) but I don't think this sort of arguement on the forum is a good idea. It's probably better if we agree to disagree and move on. Feel free to PM me if you like but try and keep it nice.
Show's over folks Big Grin .

Fight!! Fight!! Fight!!!
(Bursting into a church during services.) Hey guys there's a fight on!! Meet me there!!! Fight!!! Big Grin
KRW   10-25-2005, 12:10 AM
t4terrific Wrote:Fight!! Fight!! Fight!!!
(Bursting into a church during services.) Hey guys there's a fight on!! Meet me there!!! Fight!!! Big Grin

Sigh,, Sad please don't tell me we're squaring off for this? I like everyone involved, but IF i have to choose sides on this issue...........................

Paul R   10-25-2005, 04:11 AM
t4terrific Wrote:[QUOTE=Snake]

I loved Reborn. What about you?
Oh I loved Reborn too! Big Grin
Snake   10-25-2005, 02:02 PM
Paul R Wrote:[QUOTE=t4terrific]
Oh I loved Reborn too! Big Grin

Now, see how lame you all are being?
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