Paul R Wrote:Take it easy!
Of course I'm not trying to control what you post, Mr Ossicle (still respectful, if that's alright with you) and nor do I have a problem with what you post.
You seem to be an intelligent person, so I'm surprised you've decided to dissect what I've written and come to such conclusions. All I was saying was that you should just sit back and enjoy a book instead of pulling it to pieces. (And the same might be said for reading a post and pulling that to pieces too!)
Given Maggers's endorsement and your own apparent ingenuousness, I'll take this as sincere.
However, I think it would be worth your time to revisit what you said, as your remarks certainly come across as controlling/censuring.
You wrote:
"[C]an't you just sit down and read a book without overly analyzing it?"
"Every time I see a thread that you've started, you seem to be saying how he could have or should have done something different, or - in your eyes - better."
"Just sit back and enjoy!"
"[Ossicle] seems to be so very negative."
"[Ossicle] seems to be in a different corner than everybody else."
You cannot fail to see that, in the above, you _are_ expressing a not-at-all humble preference for what I write. You can play semantic games if you want, but among the accurate ways to describe that preference, when it's conveyed in the language you use, is "controlling/censuring." Even if you believe you don't mean it that way.
Then there's the material quoted at the very top of this post:
"You seem to be an intelligent person, so I'm surprised you've decided to dissect what I've written and come to such conclusions."
That one's a doozy. You relate two separate things to (the presence or absence of) intelligence: (i) my "dissecting" what you wrote and (ii) me coming to the conclusions I did about it.
(i) is simply a bad point (are you really prepared to argue that it's unintelligent to reply to someone's remarks about oneself?). (ii) cuts in the opposite direction than you would like: my conclusions, per the above quotes from your posts, are correct, whereas your beliefs about what you posted are incorrect.
"All I was saying was that you should just sit back and enjoy a book instead of pulling it to pieces."
Mind more boggled than ever, I can only say: In your world it is not controlling
to tell someone what they should and should not discuss, and how they should and should not read?
Obviously, feel free to reply, but I won't be reading it.