Maggers Wrote:I respectfully disagree.I'm sorry, my comment was too oblique -- when I said you were overreaching, I was not suggesting that you are overstating the incidence of child abuse.
Ossicle Wrote:I doubt very much that it's straightforward to rewire a modern elevator (i.e., it may be computerized) from inside the shaft so that when the button out in the hall is pressed, (i) the car is not summoned and (ii) the door opens anyway. But I admit I don't know.I didn't get Crisscross out to check (someone else has it right now), but if I remember right, the Dormentalist temple was a renovated building, but the elevator and such was old. Most likely the old ones are simpler than the newer ones.
stacyzinda123 Wrote:I didn't get Crisscross out to check (someone else has it right now), but if I remember right, the Dormentalist temple was a renovated building, but the elevator and such was old. Most likely the old ones are simpler than the newer ones.
Ossicle Wrote:I'm sorry, my comment was too oblique -- when I said you were overreaching, I was not suggesting that you are overstating the incidence of child abuse.
I only meant you cannot validly claim that there is more such abuse than I imagine there is -- for the simple reason that you don't know how much abuse I imagine there is.
(Not very good English, but I trust you see the clarification I'm trying to make.)
Ossicle Wrote:I'm sorry, my comment was too oblique -- when I said you were overreaching, I was not suggesting that you are overstating the incidence of child abuse.
I only meant you cannot validly claim that there is more such abuse than I imagine there is -- for the simple reason that you don't know how much abuse I imagine there is.
(Not very good English, but I trust you see the clarification I'm trying to make.)
Snake Wrote:Oh Yeah?
snake Wrote:You may as well call it Goldilocks (or Gialocks if you like) and the Three Bearers.
Maggers Wrote:And typos happen.
Guess you were getting the 3 bears mixed up with the gift-bearing 3 Magi.
Maggers Wrote:I am very careful about how I word my written responses. I said, "The crime happens far more frequently than you might imagine." I used the conditional "might" precisely because I have no clue what you imagine or what you don't.
Ossicle Wrote:I missed the open-endedness of the conditional, I'm sorry.
Really, though, I think this is too sensitive a topic to pursue. I was really much more interested, as a writer, in talking about story mechanics, not about the much more profund, murky, painful issue of child abuse.
(Homage to