smithers52 Wrote:It's a companion thread for the Films you Can't Bear thread.
What are films you like but everyone else hates? Come on, feel free to list anything no matter how critically (or publicly) maligned. Don't be embarassed.
I enjoy:
A.I.: I can see why one wouldn't dig it but I really enjoy the film. It's got some nice concepts, cinematography and acting. Among Spielberg's Top 10, IMO.
Titanic: While the film won many oscars and such, many have derided the film since it's release. But I really enjoy it. Some nice epic-scale filmmaking from master James Cameron. and I'm still coming with more to post up....
The Blue Max. My wife rightfully derides George Peppard's acting in it, because she kept waiting for some explanation for why Bruno Stachel (Peppard's character) spoke English with an American accent throughout the movie. You know, like, he was the American born son of a German shopkeeper who returned to Germany to fight for the Kaiser, but no, it was just George showing his tremendous range as an actor.

Anyway, I watch it for two reasons: the aerial combat scenes and Ursula Andress (or "Undress")
Here's another: Sudden Death. Jean-Claude Van Damme, the "Muscles from Brussels" as a Pittsburgh fireman and hockey fan, who has tickets to see the Blackhawks play the Penguins in game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals in the Civic Arena.
***********MAJOR SPOILERS***************
In the end Iceburgh the Penguins' mascot gets whacked and the Civic Arena gets destroyed, but J-CVD saves the 'Burgh and western civilization. And more importantly, the Pens win the cup in sudden death overtime. Obviously, I watch this movie for the same reasons I do Flashdance, Inspector Gadget, and Closing Distance---"It's a 'Burgh Thing".