cyber-jack Wrote:I just purchased a limited of Stephen King's 'Salem's Lot from Centipede Press, which I will read because of the inclusion of previously deleted material, and because it's been awhile since I've read 'Salem's Lot.Do tell more!! What additional material?
jimbow8 Wrote:Do tell more!! What additional material?
I hope this adding of material doesn't become the norm. I prefer the original version of The Stand over the Uncut Version.
stacyzinda123 Wrote:I have number 7 (to match my AC books) of the Black Wind limited. I reserved mine months ago when FPW first included in the newsletter that Borderlands waqs doing an edition of the book. Black Wind is one of my favorite books ever. I gotta have it. Now, I just have to explain to my husband why I need a $100 edition of a book I already have.
Scott Hajek Wrote:If FPW adds a new introduction, or turns this into the "definitive" version like he did with "The Tomb"/"Rakoshi", then it's actually $100 spent on a new book. Otherwise, good luck with the explanation. And, if your husband buys your rationale, let me know... I might try it on my wife.LOL! I'll let you know how it goes
stacyzinda123 Wrote:I have number 7 (to match my AC books) of the Black Wind limited. I reserved mine months ago when FPW first included in the newsletter that Borderlands waqs doing an edition of the book. Black Wind is one of my favorite books ever. I gotta have it. Now, I just have to explain to my husband why I need a $100 edition of a book I already have.
fpw Wrote: A bit pricey I think, but they're going all out -- Japanese silk and other bells and whistles.
Paul R Wrote:Question for the collectors: this might sound daft, but when you buy a super limited edition like the above Black Wind, do you actually read it or does it just sit there looking nice?
fpw Wrote:Here's the email. Since it's limited to 350 copies, they're giving their regulars first crack. Elizabeth gave me the okay to reprint it here. A bit pricey I think, but they're going all out -- Japanese silk and other bells and whistles.
To Our Customer Mailing List ONLY!
We're happy to announce a very special limited edition of
Black Wind
This book is widely considered to be F. Paul Wilson's finest novel.
Up until now, it was largely unavailable in hardcover because of its initial small print run.
Limited to 350 copies
$100.00 plus s&h
($5 in US contact us for international rates)
Lettered edition
Tray Cased
Handpainted end sheets
$350 plus $12 UPS insured in Continental US (contact us for international rates)
To reserve your copy e-mail [email protected] (subject line Black Wind)