Medusa Wrote:We rented the Phantom of the Opera over the weekend. The version with Gerald Butler. Wow! Not only is he good looking but he has an incredible voice. That was a great movie.
Quote:Of course I have never seen any other version to compare it to.
Medusa Wrote:We rented the Phantom of the Opera over the weekend. The version with Gerald Butler. Wow! Not only is he good looking but he has an incredible voice. That was a great movie. Of course I have never seen any other version to compare it to.
Kenji Wrote:I like this movie,too! I like that music and songs. I bought soundtrack.
Have you ever seen "Phantom of the Paradise"? That was awesome. Directed by Brian DePalma. It's Rock version of Phantom of the Opera.
AsMoral Wrote:If by incredible you mean, "It's incredible how someone who can't sing could land a lead in a musical," then yes, his voice is incredible indeed.
Marc B. Wrote:I wasn't impressed with his singing ability either and once he became the phantom he started over-acting.
Most everyone else in the cast did a great job, just didn't care for Butler.
Marc B. Wrote:I wasn't impressed with his singing ability either and once he became the phantom he started over-acting.
Most everyone else in the cast did a great job, just didn't care for Butler.
AsMoral Wrote:If by incredible you mean, "It's incredible how someone who can't sing could land a lead in a musical," then yes, his voice is incredible indeed.
Maggers Wrote:Boy oh boy, Tony, do I agree with that. Gerard Butler can't sing for love nor money, and even he was surprised when he was cast. At least, that's what Butler said on the "Tonight Show" when the movie came out. I think he said something like, "I got the part and I can't really sing!" Understatement of the year.![]()
In spite of the Broadway musical running for about 110 years, I never saw it. I refuse to support Andrew Lloyd Webber's music in any way. I think he's the most overrated composer ever.
Nevertheless, I finally broke down and watched the movie version of his "opera" on HBO. I didn't hate it. I was shocked. I didn't like it, either, but I fully expected crap, a la "Cats." The movie was saved by its visuals. To my ear, it sounded like the same song sung over and over. One, in fact, sounded just like "School days, school days, dear old golden rules days..." Not my idea of great music.
My favorite version of "The Phantom of the Opera" is the 1962 one starring Herbert Lom. I saw back it then in the theater. I was ten and I was scared.