fpw Wrote:Yeah...as a guide through the infuriating maze of our legal system, which was designed by...who? Hmmmm...could it be LAWYERS???
Hey! I may be old, but I didn't design the Anglo-American system of jurisprudence!
Besides, to be more precise, it's the politicians who pass too many laws, which gives the lawyers too much work. Think of politicians as a disease. Lawyers are there to treat those afflicted by the laws the pols pass.
Abolishing the income tax would put thousands of tax lawyers out of work, forcing them to go into productive professions. Abolishing punitive damages and strict liability would get thousands of lawyers out of PI work (both Plaintiff and Defense). Finally, abolishing all laws against drug use, gambling, prostitution, and other "vices" would put thousands of cops, corrections officers, judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys out of work. All of these things would be positive in the long run.
OK, I'm off my soap box now. Besides, I'm on YOUR side, remember?