I believe the site is now at
http://www.cityofheros.com. I'm not sure if the CoH one works.
Anyway, for a brief review, CoH is a MMORPG sorta along the lines of Everquest and Ultima Online. When you first log on, you choose your server (mine happens to be infinity incase anyone wants to play and see RJ run around). You then create your char, which is one of the most interesting aspects of the game. I've never seen a game with this much freedom. You can be a superhero that shoots fire or ice to a martial arts type char or in RJ's case, someone who just uses guns and such.
After you create your char, you enter the game and find yourself in a massive city. After a brief tutorial on how to play, the real fun begins. You are given the option to start in one of two areas. When you choose your area, you are introduced to your first contact. Your contacts are the one's that will give you missions. Missions can involve going out and find missing weapons to rescuing kidnapped citizens to just patroling the city streets and defeating gang members. Over time, you gain confidence in your contact and he will introduce you to new contacts with harder missions.
What I really enjoy about the game is that there is a story arc through-out the game that you learn about from doing missions. Each gang in the city has it's own background to why they are like they are.
Don't worry FPW. There is no death in Paragon City

If your defeated in combat, your just rushed off to the hospital where your healed up and ready to go again. So far no defeats for Rj in the game, but it's gonna be tough since I'm trying to keep him as natural of a char as possible, but that's what will make it fun.