Mr_Falcon Wrote:I agree. Along with dupa and chootch (for those who live around eastern europeans. I have no idea about spellings on those words).
I didn't get my newsletter either.
jimbow8 Wrote:Bupkis! I love it. That is a word that is not used enough. I say we start a campaign.
Biggles Wrote:How about gutchies? Not sure how it's spelled, but that's what we called long underwear when I was growing up. Used in a sentence: "Better put on yer gutchies 'n'at if yer gahn ahtside."
fpw Wrote:Please post if/when you receive it.Got mine
fpw Wrote:
Please post if/when you receive it.
fpw Wrote:Okay.
I'm going to try again this AM (with apologies to the 310 who'll be receiving a duplicate).
Please post if/when you receive it.