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stacyzinda123   01-13-2005, 03:22 PM
APhew Wrote:My list will bounce around, I'm just going with what comes to mind.

Not funny = Crank Yankers. I'm sorry, prank phone calls were funny when I was a pre-teen and haven't been since.

Not funny = Broken Lizard's Club Dread
Funny = Broken Lizard's Super Troopers

Funny = Scrubs

Not Funny = Committed (New comedy on NBC)

Funny = The Daily Show, Weekend Update on SNL

Not Funny = C-Span

Funny = Mr. Show with Bob and David

Not Funny = The last half-hour of Saturday Night Live (usually)

Funny = Bill Hicks

I could go on and on.

I agree with you on every one of those! I love Scrubs, The Daily Show and Super Troopers. Super Troopers is one of those that's better the more times you see it. It keeps getting funnier Big Grin .
Susan   01-13-2005, 03:27 PM
sublime1983 Wrote:I didn't know Ellen Degenerous was supposed to be funny. I just thought that she was a televised lesbo.

Well, I'm not surprised. The producers of that show expect you to have a sense of humor and a brain.


FPW Stores:
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. ~ Oscar Wilde

Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.~Nietzche
Scott Miller   01-13-2005, 05:03 PM
Susan Wrote:Well, I'm not surprised. The producers of that show expect you to have a sense of humor and a brain.


Well put, Queen Susanita. Anyone with an IQ that registers knows that the term is offensive.


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
cyber-jack   01-13-2005, 05:20 PM
Maggers Wrote:I could not disagree with you more. On all accounts.

That's fine, I didn't really expect you to. If everyone agreed on everything the world would be a pretty drab place.

That said, do you really believe that her "coming out" party had nothing at all to do with her poor ratings at the time. Or that she did not blatently use her alternate lifestyle as a promotional gimmick?

All acceptance or disapproval of said lifestyle put aside, its awful hard to believe she didn't sieze an opportunity to further a career that wasn't really moving forward on its own.

That the gimmick didn't necessarily work and only prolonged the cancelling of her show by a few episodes is moot, because she did propel herself higher into the public's awareness, but I wonder where she would be had she not employed the tactic? Would she have her own talk show today? I really doubt it.
Maggers   01-13-2005, 06:28 PM
cyber-jack Wrote:That's fine, I didn't really expect you to. If everyone agreed on everything the world would be a pretty drab place.

That said, do you really believe that her "coming out" party had nothing at all to do with her poor ratings at the time. Or that she did not blatently use her alternate lifestyle as a promotional gimmick?

All acceptance or disapproval of said lifestyle put aside, its awful hard to believe she didn't sieze an opportunity to further a career that wasn't really moving forward on its own.

That the gimmick didn't necessarily work and only prolonged the cancelling of her show by a few episodes is moot, because she did propel herself higher into the public's awareness, but I wonder where she would be had she not employed the tactic? Would she have her own talk show today? I really doubt it.

I don't necessarily think she used her coming out as a tactic, but the media seized on it, went to town with it, gave her oodles of publicity about it, so why not use all that?

At any rate, after her show was cancelled, Ellen Degeneres more or less disappeared for a while. She did an HBO special and maybe a movie, but I can't recall anything else.

Until her talk show, which is delightful, funny and the best thing on morning television. It's great for the whole family, too, despite what you may think about her. She does not flaunt anything.

So, to sum up, while her coming out may have aided her for a bit when she did it, it did nothing to further her career. She did that all on her own. And it took her a while to come back from the cancellation of her show. In other words, her career in Hollywood now is nothing out of the ordinary, for someone who had a successful series, got cancelled and had to find a way back.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

sublime1983   01-13-2005, 07:34 PM
Lisa Wrote:Take another look at your original reply. Read as is, it sounds pretty darn bigoted. Replace "lesbo" with another offensive word (n*gger, trailer trash, gun nut, wetback, etc) and you'll see what I mean.

I did not know that it was so bad. I asked my boss about it today, and she said the same thing you said, only a little nicer. That was where the ouch came from. All my OG reply said was that I didn't know if was bad. Even so, I apologized. Should have ended there.

There was once a man who was all obsessed with the strangest things. Like Nestle Quik, original cdr's and Afro-sheen. He built himself his dome, never left his home, decided life is much better when you're on your own. You might not want my opinion, but he coulda been on to something good.

sublime1983   01-13-2005, 07:36 PM
Susan Wrote:Well, I'm not surprised. The producers of that show expect you to have a sense of humor and a brain.

You people are just plain mean. I already apollogized. What else do you want from me? Instead of pilling on, try growing up. If you people can't get past it after this, I will have to suggest getting a life, next. I didn't want to act like this, but this is pathetic. Learn to accept an apollogy.
This post was last modified: 01-13-2005, 07:38 PM by sublime1983.

There was once a man who was all obsessed with the strangest things. Like Nestle Quik, original cdr's and Afro-sheen. He built himself his dome, never left his home, decided life is much better when you're on your own. You might not want my opinion, but he coulda been on to something good.

cyber-jack   01-13-2005, 07:53 PM
Maggers Wrote:It's great for the whole family, too, despite what you may think about her.

Hey, I'm not judging her at all...only her comedic merit and her choices in self-promotion. I find the hollywood scene troubling at best, and am appalled at the lengths some people go to to draw attention to themselves, that's all. You say it was all just a coincidence...OK, I'm fine with that. It's possible, maybe not likely, but possible.
cyber-jack   01-13-2005, 07:55 PM
sublime1983 Wrote:You people are just plain mean. I already apollogized. What else do you want from me? Instead of pilling on, try growing up. If you people can't get past it after this, I will have to suggest getting a life, next. I didn't want to act like this, but this is pathetic. Learn to accept an apollogy.

He's right. You guys should lighten up, he obviously didn't mean anything by it.

I don't know what's worse...the labels everyone pins on people, or the people who get so offended by them.
jimbow8   01-13-2005, 07:58 PM
cyber-jack Wrote:He's right. You guys should lighten up, he obviously didn't mean anything by it.

I don't know what's worse...the labels everyone pins on people, or the people who get so offended by them.
Agreed. Quite a bit of intolerance lately.

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
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