Ken Valentine Wrote:Many of us here are shooting enthusiasts. As far as I know, I'm the only real gun "Whacko" who regularly posts on this board. (I think Biggles is more of an enthusiast.
) My current collection numbers, 36 handguns, 20 rifles and 11 shotguns.
Hey!!! Who are you NOT calling a "Whacko"?
I have more pistols than I can count (in calibres: .22LR, .22WMR, .25ACP, .30 Mauser, 7.62 Tokarev, .30 Carbine, .32ACP, .380ACP, 9mm Parabellum, 9mm Makarov, .400 CorBon, .44 Magnum and .45ACP), 3 revolvers (a Ruger Blackhawk convertible in .38/40 WCF and 10mm, a Super Blackhawk in .44 Magnum and a Chief's Special in .38 Special), 2 rifles (a Spanish Mauser in .308 and a Yugo M48 in 8mm Mauser), numerous carbines (Mini-14s, SKSs, a Grendel R-31, a KelTec Sub 9, an M1 Carbine). I especially like to acquire military surplus pistols. One of my favorite carry guns is still my ex-East German Stasi (secret police) 9mm Makarov. Smooth as silk and very accurate. I feed it CorBon hollowpoints. When supreme discretion is required, I stuff my Seecamp .32 in my pocket (but not the one in which I carry my keys). And of course, when I need 10 rounds of 9mm in a compact package, I grab my KelTec P11.