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Nit Pick about Gateways - Margery Lurkens - 12-27-2004

Just a tiny thing. When it comes to firearms, Dr. Wilson is not Stephen Hunter.In Gateways he uses a Casull in .454 with results similar to a sabot tank round. Why not go with the S & W in .500. With 2600 foot lbs of muzzle exit velocity vs. 1800 for the Casull, it would at least be a little more realistic.

Nit Pick about Gateways - the Oracle - 12-27-2004

Margery Lurkens Wrote:Just a tiny thing. When it comes to firearms, Dr. Wilson is not Stephen Hunter.In Gateways he uses a Casull in .454 with results similar to a sabot tank round. Why not go with the S & W in .500. With 2600 foot lbs of muzzle exit velocity vs. 1800 for the Casull, it would at least be a little more realistic.
Or, the .500 Linebaugh

Nit Pick about Gateways - SteveBlack - 12-27-2004

Blimey - you guys know your guns. How come you have such a knowledge? Is it the norm for people from the US to be informed about guns? Does almost everyone own one?
I've never even held a gun much less fired one. They're banned here in the UK


Nit Pick about Gateways - the Oracle - 12-27-2004

SteveBlack Wrote:Blimey - you guys know your guns. How come you have such a knowledge? Is it the norm for people from the US to be informed about guns? Does almost everyone own one?
I've never even held a gun much less fired one. They're banned here in the UK

Most people know a bit about handguns and have held them. But, I believe it is the minority that owns them. And, definitely a severe minority that know as much about them as I (and several others on this site) do.

I am like Jack... Because everyone else can have a gun, I want one too!

Also, I don't believe in shooting to maim or hinder. I believe that two shots in the chest and one in the head is about as good as it gets. I don't think you should pull a wepaon without the intention of killing someone.

With that said - I would never shoot someone over a mere squabble or even a house robbery. But, dare they threaten my wife or child, they would not live to tell about it. PERIOD


Nit Pick about Gateways - Maggers - 12-27-2004

SteveBlack Wrote:Blimey - you guys know your guns. How come you have such a knowledge? Is it the norm for people from the US to be informed about guns? Does almost everyone own one?
I've never even held a gun much less fired one. They're banned here in the UK


Rest assured, there are many of us in the US who know nothing, and I do mean, nothing about guns. I grew up in the Bronx and have lived my entire live in NYC. I've never even seen a revolver or any other type of hand gun. And I haven't a clue about bullets, calibers, etc.


Nit Pick about Gateways - Lisa - 12-27-2004

Same as Maggers, I know nothing about guns. I don't oppose the owning of them, but I'm clueless on the details of using firearms.

Nit Pick about Gateways - Maggers - 12-27-2004

Lisa Wrote:Same as Maggers, I know nothing about guns. I don't oppose the owning of them, but I'm clueless on the details of using firearms.

As Lisa echoed me, I shall echo Lisa. I also do not oppose the wise ownership and sane use of guns.

Nit Pick about Gateways - Medusa - 12-27-2004

I own a 22 for home protection. One important thing to remember - never keep a loaded firearm unless you know how to use it. When my husband bought me my first gun (a 380), I was not allowed to even touch it. The first time I touched it was at a gun range and I fired it for an hour or so. Went thru a lot of ammo. But he wasn't going to let me near it until I had used it and was comfortable with it. It pulled a little to the left so I sold it at a gun show and got my little 22. It shoots a whole lot better. Our son knows all about gun safety; both at our house and if he is at someone else's house. In another year or so we'll take him to the gun range and let him shoot it as well.

Nit Pick about Gateways - SteveBlack - 12-27-2004

The gun-happy culture terrifies me!! Shoot first, ask later.
Here in the UK no-one owns guns so we don't feel the insane need to defend ourselves (except the old fashioned way with your forehead!!!) Big Grin
Canada has the same "right to bear arms" as the US does but they have comparable gun-death figures to the UK. What went wrong in the US? From where did this gun culture arise?
Sorry if If I'm generalising

Nit Pick about Gateways - SteveBlack - 12-27-2004

Quote:Also, I don't believe in shooting to maim or hinder. I believe that two shots in the chest and one in the head is about as good as it gets.
Jeez- how many people have you done this to? How many have you killed?