Sigokat Wrote:ok, I can see you putting TNG first, since you're Picard and all that...but Voyager before DS9 and TOS??? What you been smoking?? 
I never understand Voyagers appeal, especially for women...lets put a strong woman in the leading role as a Starship Captain...and what does she do...SHE GET'S LOST!!
Well, its partly what i grew up with. My grandfather watched TOS, so I saw some here and there, but to a kid growing up in the 80's it was kinda hokey. Then TNG came out and I was blown away, of course nowadays I'm sure it seems hokey.
As for DS9, I loved that it showed an expanded universe, loved the ship to ship combat, what I didn't like was most of the characters. Hated Sisko, don't really care for the actor, hated Kira, didn't like Bashir unless it was him and O'Brien going on holo/historical battles, Dax was alright, Odo was ok, liked Quark and Garak, but the best, Worf, was stolen from TNG.
As for Voyager, I liked the majority of the characters, I liked the return to exploration, and I liked the ship, even if it looks like a giant phaser.