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LolaRennt   06-08-2012, 10:44 AM
Kristen Stewart cannot act. I can see why she continued to have a job after the first Twilight movie was released - it'd be a little difficult to fire a lead actress in a movie series and bring in someone new. I question why they cast her in the first place, though. Why in the world did she get another acting job??

I went into the movie expecting a bad job from her so I wasn't disappointed in that respect.

Something seemed to be missing from this movie. I grew restless. It also seemed to me that some of the ideas were ripped from other movies. During the movie, I thought of Princess Bride (even asked a friend when we would see a ROUS), Excalibur, and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It seemed like the movie went overboard with hyping Snow White's purity and innocence.

Theron pulled off the wicked stepmother well enough. Hemsworth is pretty but not a strong actor. As long as he sticks to the pretty boy action roles, he'll do fine.

I'd give the movie a "meh".

Why do I always do this to myself???
Dave618   06-11-2012, 05:40 PM
The trailer I saw didn't do anything for me. I may watch it when it comes on cable. Chris Hemsworth was actually very good in a movie called C*A*$*H, which co-starred Sean Bean from Game of Thrones. I caught that on cable (I don't think it was released in theaters) and liked it quite a bit. Bean was coldly and ruthlessly excellent in it. Hemsworth plays more of an everyman in this one that finds himself in a dangerous spot--owing Bean's character quite a load of cash. Hemsworth even takes a beating from Bean.

I never saw the Twilight films, but I liked Kristen Stewart in Welcome To The Rileys which co-starred James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo. I thought she did an admirable job in that. If you haven't seen it try to catch it--you may be quite surprised with her performance.
Tony H   06-11-2012, 06:08 PM
I simply can not take seriously any movie that asks me to beileve that Kristen Stewart is prettier than Charlize Theron.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
PicardRex   06-12-2012, 10:27 AM
Tony H Wrote:I simply can not take seriously any movie that asks me to beileve that Kristen Stewart is prettier than Charlize Theron.

Exactly and there goes the entire premise of the movie. How on earth could Charlize be worried Stewart would be "fairer"? Having said that, I did see it, as Lola said, Stewart sucked, but that was a given. Even had the role been cast differently though, it would still been a meh. It was kinda boring, kinda weird and kinda sucky.
Dave618   06-12-2012, 07:06 PM
I don't know--I'm sure a case could be made for Stewart being hotter than Theron. It really is all in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? Some guys really dig waifish brunettes. They're both attractive, it just comes down to what floats your boat.
fpw   06-13-2012, 05:56 PM
I've put CA$H in my queue. Watch for the FF rating.

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
Medusa   06-17-2012, 01:43 PM
I love the way movies all have similar movie styles competing with each other now. You know they have to have spies in their networks. Mirror, Mirror was only a couple of months ago.

The Snake Lady from Texas!
Scott Miller   06-18-2012, 11:47 PM
Tony H Wrote:I simply can not take seriously any movie that asks me to beileve that Kristen Stewart is prettier than Charlize Theron.

I doubt you'd notice either with Hemsworth in the film.


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
Dervish   06-24-2012, 08:55 PM
When I saw it I got the weird feeling that I was seeing a story that had largely been cut & pasted from other movies especially from Willow (many scenes & elements, including Snow White's step mother reminding me of Queen Bavmorda, and the Huntsman seeming to me to be based on Madmartigan, just less of a rake to give him a tragic love back story instead), but also from Avatar (the surreal forest and if the fairy critters had been taller than humans rather than tiny as well as blue, but then if the Avatar trees were shrunk to Earth size and the Avatar beings shrank to fit in as well they'd be about the same size), Legend (particularly the scene of Lilly touching the unicorn and then Jack communicating for the other unicorn on how to save the world from eternal night), and Princess Mononoke (that WAS the Forest Spirit! And remember how he walked over the water to the island and how in one scene he was also shot, and those fairies kinda remind me of those tiny spirits that showed up around the Forest Spirit, too).

I went to see it with a 14-year-old who had only seen Avatar (years ago) so she couldn't really say. She did say the scene where the evil queen's brother admitted to watching Snow White (played by the same actress who plays Bella in Twilight) sleep it kinda reminded her of Twilight. Not enough to be a “cut and paste” scene but it still crossed her mind.

We both thought it was ok for a one time viewing for minor reasons. In her case she was curious what Kristen Stewart was like in this movie and Chris Hemsworth is just good eye candy. And I think peer pressure played a par as she knows enough of her other friends are going to see it, too. As for me I not only like a few scenes and enjoyed some of the comments ("that's the mushrooms") but I very much liked one revision. See in the Disney animated movie Snow White totally freaks out in the woods and I just can't stand that scene, I cringe every time I see it, so I did like where this flick gave a good reason for her to do that (and not all that dissimilar to a fic I did years ago of Snow White eating hallucinogenic berries and then repeating the cringe-worthy scene from Disney).
LolaRennt   06-29-2012, 12:02 AM
#10's a real insult. You're saying that people are ljust lemmings/? Frankly, I watched the movie without reading hte revies. and I grew truly restless in it. It was seriously lacking something. Sure some of the scenes were visually great. But it still wasn't enough to make the movie great, in my own opinion, which I came up with ON MY OWN. If you had read some peoplel's comments, you'll see that they disagreed with me. I express just my opi9nion of the movie. That's it. they expressed theirs, and I seriously doubt that they are "follow the crowd" types.

I think Kristin steart sucks as an actress. Other's can (and have) disagreed with me.

I do have to say that I need to rethink my opinon of chris hemsworth. I recentled rewatched Star Trek (the reboot) and have to say he didn't act like the muscle bound hero in it (for the short time he was in it) . I should rethink my opinion of his acting range. Maybe he was being charitable and limiting himself because of his co-star's very obvious limitations. IOW - an act of charity so stewart wouln'd automatically stand out as the sucky one.

But, again, I say that because I think steart sucks as an actreess. That's just my opinion, based on no one else's opinion.

and the typing is thanks to macallan and jack daniels and RJ beer.

Why do I always do this to myself???
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