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The Man of Fhinntmanchca   03-22-2013, 02:58 AM
I was listening to/watching DRI at CBGB's in 1984 on a DVD, then I watched a band called Teenage Bottlerocket doing a video called "Bigger Than Kiss", funny video, ok band... only marginally distinguishable from all the other Green Day/Ramones clones out there... but still, with promise in their licks...

I tilt at windmills, you tilt at windmills, we tilt at windmills together.

quixotic - Caught up in the romance of noble deeds or unreachable ideals; romantic without regard to practicality.
Sigokat   03-26-2013, 12:17 PM
While My Guitar Gently Weeps

One of my dad's favorite Beatles/Clapton songs. RIP, dad. I miss you so much.

Major K

"He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a Prince." George Graham Vest

"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us." - Maurice Maeterlinck
The Man of Fhinntmanchca   04-03-2013, 08:37 PM
Altitudes - Jason Becker

Sorry about your Dad,... when did he pass away?

I tilt at windmills, you tilt at windmills, we tilt at windmills together.

quixotic - Caught up in the romance of noble deeds or unreachable ideals; romantic without regard to practicality.
baldhiker   04-04-2013, 03:03 PM
I don't normally listen to anything from the past ten years or so, since it all sounds like dog doo to me. But there's a new band I heard the other day from Portland, OR that sounds promising. Gotta love the name too; "I Can Lick Any Son of a Bitch in the House"
Seriously. I gotta get a t-shirt!
baldhiker   04-04-2013, 03:10 PM
mad4tunes Wrote:One of those strings that either didn't make it through the transition, or got lost in the shuffle (I can't find it).


Right now, I've got my Los Straitjackets and Eddie Angel CDs caressing my eardrums. Smile.

I remember when Los played here in Boston with Southern Culture on the Skids two years ago. After their performance I saw one of them by the t-shirt stand with his mask still on. I walked up and said "Excuse me sir, are you with the band?" He looked over at me and said "I might be, I might be".
Scott Miller   04-05-2013, 11:55 AM
baldhiker Wrote:I remember when Los played here in Boston with Southern Culture on the Skids two years ago. After their performance I saw one of them by the t-shirt stand with his mask still on. I walked up and said "Excuse me sir, are you with the band?" He looked over at me and said "I might be, I might be".

Well Baldhiker(I hope you put sunscreen on your dome first)I must chime in because its not too often I hear two semi-obscure bands that I like mentioned in the same breath. I absolutely love Los but have never seen them live. I recently have been converting my music library to mP3 files and as part of the process I have been re-ripping my CDs and got hung up on Viva! and The Velvet Touch of...For my money they are to two best rock-n-roll instrumental albums of all time. Also if you've never heard it, Tis The Season is my favorite Christmas music ever, I even listen to it out of season on occasion. And on a side note, another CD that I blew the dust off of is Just Rockin' & Rollin' by Ronnie Dawson which features Eddie Angel as one of the guitarists and is an excellent example of fairly contemporary rockabilly.

I'm not quite as up with Soutern Culture but I worked with a guy who was a big fan and I always liked them but hadn't thought of them in years. I recently purchased an mp3 player and it came with about thirty songs pre-loaded and among them were five from Southern Culture that are really good(in fact I ended up keeping 19 songs from the pre-loads-normally I can't stand them so that was cool, Kevin Pickett & Southern Rain and Saints of State are the two bands I can think of off the top of my head)that come from their The Kudzu Ranch release.


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
baldhiker   04-05-2013, 01:31 PM
Scott Miller Wrote:Well Baldhiker(I hope you put sunscreen on your dome first)I must chime in because its not too often I hear two semi-obscure bands that I like mentioned in the same breath. I absolutely love Los but have never seen them live. I recently have been converting my music library to mP3 files and as part of the process I have been re-ripping my CDs and got hung up on Viva! and The Velvet Touch of...For my money they are to two best rock-n-roll instrumental albums of all time. Also if you've never heard it, Tis The Season is my favorite Christmas music ever, I even listen to it out of season on occasion. And on a side note, another CD that I blew the dust off of is Just Rockin' & Rollin' by Ronnie Dawson which features Eddie Angel as one of the guitarists and is an excellent example of fairly contemporary rockabilly.

I'm not quite as up with Soutern Culture but I worked with a guy who was a big fan and I always liked them but hadn't thought of them in years. I recently purchased an mp3 player and it came with about thirty songs pre-loaded and among them were five from Southern Culture that are really good(in fact I ended up keeping 19 songs from the pre-loads-normally I can't stand them so that was cool, Kevin Pickett & Southern Rain and Saints of State are the two bands I can think of off the top of my head)that come from their The Kudzu Ranch release.

My friend, I practically live inside sunscreen. When Southern was done with their show, they threw fried chicken out to the audience. Hilarious.
RichE   04-13-2013, 09:34 AM
Burning a CD of goodies today. Going to include "THE RIDE" by David Allen Coe. I was doing a mix of big band/jazz and I included two rare recordings: "House On Haunted Hill" theme-by Frank ("Brady Bunch") De Vol (his version of the Vincent Price film title, originally done by Von Dexter) and a recording by the great Ray Anthony and his orchestra: "The Incredible Shrinking Man" theme (from an old 45 issue). Great for playing as you get things done around the house!!
The Man of Fhinntmanchca   04-27-2013, 09:14 PM
the "Lumpy Gravy" album by Frank Zappa....

I tilt at windmills, you tilt at windmills, we tilt at windmills together.

quixotic - Caught up in the romance of noble deeds or unreachable ideals; romantic without regard to practicality.
fpw   05-02-2013, 09:00 AM
I saw Diana Jones open for Janis Ian and liked her enough to buy one of her CDs after the show. She's sorta bluegrass/country-folk. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing to make me grab someone's lapels and say You gotta hear this! Very easy on the ears, but very def a country voice. If you like country, you'll like her. If you hate country, you'll hate her.

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
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