Sev Wrote:Hi folks!
Since Glaeken has 'unleashed' Jack upon 'R', what are your ideas of how Jack might harass and/or dispatch him?
Mine? Take the image that Jack had made in Ground Zero, put it on a flyer (day-glo goldenrod) and tack them up by the hundreds all over New York. With text: "Repeal the Bill of Rights!! Call 1-800-RASALOM! Volunteers needed!"
Since 'R' can sense when someone uses his true name, getting thousands of people all discussing him in a short period (especially when whoever owns that phone number starts complaining) should drive him nuts.
Sophomoric? Yes. Fun? Also yes!
Jack: (trac phone rings) "Hello?"
Mysterious Stranger: "I've heard that you can fix...stuff."
Jack: "Well, yea, but it depends on what kinda stuff you're talking about."
Mysterious Stranger: "I don't have time for games! Please, just make it go away!"
Jack: "Hey, don't I know you? You sound famil- damnit! Is that you Rasa-I mean, R?!"
Mysterious Stranger: "Who in the hell did you think it was?
Jonah Stevens?"
Jack: "Just how did you get this number anyway?! Wait, nevermind...dumb question."
Rasalom (no longer mysterious): "JUST FIX IT!!!"
Jack: "Whoa, that's a little loud, bud. Too bad, maybe if you would have asked a little nicer, I
might have considered helping you out, but now you can just forget it. Good bye." (click. Jack hangs up on R)
Rasalom: "What!?!
He just did, LOL. :ciappa: