cobalt79 Wrote:True Blood!
The 3'rd season starts in a few weeks......
colburn0004 Wrote:Already love it :p
I'm a TV addict so that's kind of why i'm running out of ideas. I also want to try Mad Men but I don't know. Doesn't seem like my kind of show(which is usually everything)
cobalt79 Wrote:I wasn't sure if you had posted on the TB thread from last year.
Have you tried Dexter? That might be another thing to check out.
sigokat Wrote:You like silly, no-holds barred comedy? Then try It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Awesome show, I don't think there's been one episode where I wasn't hurting from laughing so much.
colburn0004 Wrote:Ok, this is a bad idea it's just making me relize I watch too much TV. I have loved It's Always Sunny for a while, I just wish it had a longer seasonal run then the 11 or 12 episodes it gets.
Scott Miller Wrote:I'll recommend Reaper and Arrested Development as two comedies worth checking out. Veronica Mars is another show that sort of slipped under the radar. Brotherhood is also worth watching.