scrappyblue Wrote:I agree with you, he definitely reminds me of Jack ... I wonder if maybe the creators read the books and pilfered the idea from FPW.
I think Human Target is more of a rip-off of Burn Notice than of RJ. Burn Notice itself reminds me a lot of RJ and Jason Bourne mixed together.
but Burn Notice has become a big show for USA, and it happens all the time when a show gets big, another show crops up that is similar.
I think the Burn Notice mid-season 3 "finale" (weird how shows do "mid-season" finales now, Fringe did it too) was like August of last year, and it brought in nearly 8 million viewers (the highest ever on USA and one of the highest rated scripted show cable ratings ever).
Human Target premiered in late January, that is about enough time to get a new show put together.
the episodes I saw of HT were pretty mediocre I felt, not good enough to draw me into the show. Especially the fight scenes, they looked very mechanical and the bad guy looks like he is just running through his choreography as he goes.
Burn Notice is just a more polished product in the same vein, so I couldnt get into HT, plus BN has Bruce Campbell!!