Ken Valentine Wrote:There will be slight changes in the revised NIGHTWORLD. It sounds like Weezy will be included -- though whether or not she survives isn't known at this point (I hope she does.)
Ken V.
Ken, we don't know if anything on the surface of the planet survives, All those big empty holes might just result in a lot of soil settling. As it were, catastrophically. My ancestors in the mines in Wales knew how to survive under ground (at least for a little while) but that was stored (however briefly) in RNA, not DNA.
Yah,I hope Weezy does OK, but past the last page we don't even know how long Jack lives (minutes, months, millenia).
The old history chart that connected
Nightworld to the LaNague stories is no longer on line. I definitely don't recall a big fewking hole in Central Park mentioned in
Dydeetown World. It should have been obvious, right? When the adversarial asshole appears is a kick to the fork in the trousers of time, as a Pratchett character might put it.