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ccosborne3   03-01-2009, 08:18 PM
Brian Wrote:I second that review, Black Book was a good one. But I didn't cry Wink LOL. Thanks for the nod to it

Thanks for checking it out. Might be the best foreign film I've ever seen. And Kudos go to Kenji for pointing it out in the first place. :adore:
cobalt   03-10-2009, 11:18 PM
We just finished watching Quarantine. A very virulent [spoiler]form of rabies infects[/spoiler] a building in LA. I said [spoiler]it looks like rabies[/spoiler] well before the movie reveals what is going on. Big Grin Lots of good "f*ck! that made me jump" scenes. It was filmed documentary/it's gone wrong now style like Blair Witch and Cloverfield. Worth the time especially when you stop motion to get another look at...WTF was that!?

One minor problem at the end many TV cameras have night vision?? :dontknow:

cobalt   03-29-2009, 01:32 AM
We watched The Punisher: War Zone tonight. Good action...lots of cool "toys" and some great ooh...gotta rewind for that again moments.

Kenji   03-29-2009, 03:28 AM
cobalt79 Wrote:Ok....while I'm not gonna fall in love with's you I have to thank for the recommendation on this movie.
Black Book was great! We watched it last night. One of those movies that makes you laugh and cry. A good story that keeps your interest, while the twists and turns keep you guessing about where things are going.

Brian Wrote:I second that review, Black Book was a good one. But I didn't cry Wink LOL. Thanks for the nod to it

ccosborne3 Wrote:That's OK. Just knowing you and your FAM sat around last night discussing how cool I am and how all the movies I recommend rock is good enough for me. I've watched it 3 times since I first saw it last month. Can't get enough of that movie.

I'm glad to know everybody liked that movie. That's definitely Paul Verhoeven's best movie. Good thriller!

ccosborne3 Wrote:Thanks for checking it out. Might be the best foreign film I've ever seen. And Kudos go to Kenji for pointing it out in the first place. :adore:

Wink Big Grin
Kenji   03-29-2009, 03:47 AM
According to imdb, Verhoeven's new film is based on the novel by Boris Akunin's THE WINTER QUEEN. That's interesting. Apparently Verhoeven quitted entertainment action movie like Starship Troopers.

I'm looking forward to this one.
cobalt   03-29-2009, 10:52 AM
Kenji, it's you that we need to thank for telling us about Black Book. It was a great movie...thanks!

Mick C.   04-04-2009, 11:58 PM
I just saw a film with one of the longest titles in film history: "The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade" (usually abbreviated as "Marat/Sade"). I saw it back in the early 1970s and wanted to see it again. It more than held up.

Really good movie, directed by Peter Brooks and starring Glenda Jackson, Ian Richardson, and Patrick (Clockwork Orange) Magee as the Marquis de Sade. Loosely based on real history, as the Marquis de Sade was committed to the Charenton Asylum for the Insane (for reasons both political and behavioral), where he wrote and directed plays using the inmates that became very fashionable to attend for the ruling class of post-revolutionary France. Check this out of you get a chance, very interesting. (fpw based Rasolom's philosophy in REBORN on the writings of the Marquis, BTW.)

"Flow with the Go."

- Rickson Gracie
cobalt   05-03-2009, 12:34 AM
We just finished watching War, Inc. Written, starred in and produced by John Cusak. It also had Hilary Duff, Marisa Tomei, Joan Cusak and Ben Kingsley. What a crazy spoof. It's a true political satire.

Best line...."It's going to be tough to torture and kill someone that is mostly dead...but I'm going to try."

I could so see Kingsley's character as Q/M in Tony's masterpiece, Golden Impossible.
Worth the time...if for nothing but laughter at the innuendo and even a cameo by Kevin

colburn0004   05-03-2009, 01:44 AM
cobalt79 Wrote:We just finished watching War, Inc. Written, starred in and produced by John Cusak. It also had Hilary Duff, Marisa Tomei, Joan Cusak and Ben Kingsley. What a crazy spoof. It's a true political satire.

Best line...."It's going to be tough to torture and kill someone that is mostly dead...but I'm going to try."

I could so see Kingsley's character as Q/M in Tony's masterpiece, Golden Impossible.
Worth the time...if for nothing but laughter at the innuendo and even a cameo by Kevin

I've been wanting to see this after I saw a trailer for it before some other movie, and I usually like all of Cusak's movies. I'll have to check if Blockbuster has it tomorrow.

I just finished The Wrestler It was a good watch. I don't quite see the best actor really come out of it but its worth the watch. You get some good behind the scenes type looks into wrestling and some funny scenes with that as well. Most people I have heard complain about the ending as it is open ended. But.....[SPOILER]what was left open was sort of pointless after he made his decision to get in the ring that last time. I thought the ending was perfect for how the movie went.[/SPOILER]

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
cobalt   05-09-2009, 11:31 PM
The Reader is a drama set in post WWII Germany. Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes and a young David Kross gave remarkable performances in this movie. Winslet won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for her portrayal of Hanna Schmitz. I highly recommend this movie. And made me cry.

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