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colburn0004   05-14-2009, 12:49 AM
cobalt79 Wrote:What a finale! On to my pondering.
I didn't expect Locke's body to be in that box....but I did say that the box reminded me of a coffin transport container.

That being said....I thought the smoke monster was animating it's not Locke. Ok...confusion here!

Now....what is walking around as Locke is using Ben to do his dirty work?

I took it as the man with Jacob in the first scene has for a long time been trying to kill Jacob. I think in some way he may end up being Smokie or in some way impersonating locke. It was smokie who reanimated Alex to get Ben to listen to the Reanimated Locke to kill Jacob wich the man with him in the first scene wanted. This is what I took from the episode. What I am pondering is was he also reanimating Christian? Or could Christian have been brought to life by Jacob, similar to how Locke was after falling, to help Jacob to counteract the man's plans to kill him?

Did anyone notice the people Jacob met were the ones who went to 77? Maybe Jacob wants them to change time? Maybe he sent them to that time to change them from coming to the island so the man wont have locke to impercinate to have ben kill him? :dontknow: Currently just a lot of wondering is going through my head but the smokie and man with jacob seem interlocked.

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
Alvin Fox   05-14-2009, 03:31 AM
Given all of the biblical themes other boards are refering to the guy with Jacob as Esau.

I do have to mention that I like the cosmic struggle between good and evil wherein the evil force wants to destroy/corrupt everything while the good force is indifferent. ("What about you?") I can see why Repairman Jack fans like Lost so much.

I must admit that I laughed when Locke fell out the window behind Jacob.
DaveStrorm   05-14-2009, 09:37 AM
colburn0004 Wrote:Also from another forum thought you might like to know is some people are saying Richards answer was "He who will save us all" in latin. I don't know if this is right but so far it's what I'm seeing.


colburn0004 Wrote:Did anyone notice the people Jacob met were the ones who went to 77? Maybe Jacob wants them to change time? Maybe he sent them to that time to change them from coming to the island so the man wont have locke to impercinate to have ben kill him? :dontknow:

Well Jacob also visited Locke, Sun and the girl, Ilana, that brought Locke's body to Richard. In fact, Ilana seemed to know him already somehow as she said she was happy to see him. He said he came because he needed her help.

colburn0004 Wrote:Currently just a lot of wondering is going through my head but the smokie and man with jacob seem interlocked.

I think so too.
cobalt   05-14-2009, 09:45 AM
Interesting ideas guys. I'm thinking you are right on with the thinking that Jacob and the other man seen are adversaries. Hmmmmm...where have we seen this battle of good and evil before? lol

Maggers   05-16-2009, 02:25 PM
colburn0004 Wrote:...Did anyone notice the people Jacob met were the ones who went to 77?....

Jacob also met Illana, Sun, and Locke, none of whom wound up in 1977.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Maggers   05-16-2009, 02:53 PM
In the scene introducing Jacob, the man on the beach with Jacob tells Jacob he how much he wants to kill him and tells Jacob, someday I'll find a loophole.

When "Locke" and Ben met Jacob in the base of the ancient 3-toed statue, Jacob looks sadly at "Locke" and the first thing he says to him is "so you found your loophole."

That man on the beach is "Locke."

I bet, as others have said, that the smoke monster has recreated himself in the person of Locke, who is decidedly dead, as are Alix, Ben's daughter, and Christian, Jack's father, who also seem to be beings impersonated by the smoke monster.

I take it that for some as yet unknown reason the man on the beach and Jacob cannot hurt each other. So the man on the beach induced Ben to kill Jacob if, indeed, Jacob is dying. Remember the smoke monster impersonated Alix and made Ben swear to do "Locke's" bidding, no matter what? That's the loophole.

So is the smoke monster the remains of the man on the beach, imprisoned in some way and very very angry? Remember the ash around the old house in the woods? Who was that ash supposedly imprisoning? Not Jacob, as we were lead to believe, but probably the man on the beach.

These are all my own ruminations. I like sticking to my own thoughts and the input of you guys. I don't read about LOST on other sites.
This post was last modified: 05-16-2009, 04:58 PM by Maggers.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Brian   05-16-2009, 03:35 PM
Maggers Wrote:Jacob also met Illana, Sun, and Locke, none of whom wound up in 1977.
Is it possible Jacob put various people in different times to do specific tasks?

If Jacob "lives" in the shadow of the statue, then the other man has been impersonating Jacob in the cabin. The cabin was empty when Iliana and her group scoped it out. The cabin was burned by them also. Does this have a significant outcome? As in, the other man has nothing to return to, possibly making it possible for one of Iliana's group able to kill him?
This post was last modified: 05-16-2009, 07:27 PM by Brian.

There is no wise man without fault
Maggers   05-16-2009, 05:17 PM
Was anyone else as moved as I was at seeing Rose and Bernard alive and well and living with Vincent? I loved that! Their finding love later in life, retiring to paradise, and living just for one another touched me no end. I had tears in my eyes. I wonder Big Grin

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Maggers   05-16-2009, 08:25 PM
Time and again people said, if this works (the bomb) everyone will be where they are supposed to be. They sounded like they were referencing landing safe and sound in LA. But suppose they really do wind up where they are supposed to be: Sawyer with Juliet, Jack with Kate, Charlie with Claire (yes I think they will both show up next year), Jin with Sun (and their baby), Hurley with Libby, and who knows whom else with whom else. Heaven only knows where the real Locke will end Leader of the Others, forever? As another Richard? Who can tell with this series.

Oh, and I think that's Charlie's guitar that Hurley's carrying.
This post was last modified: 05-16-2009, 10:32 PM by Maggers.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Alvin Fox   05-16-2009, 11:31 PM
Maggers Wrote:I take it that for some as yet unknown reason the man on the beach and Jacob cannot hurt each other. So the man on the beach induced Ben to kill Jacob if, indeed, Jacob is dying. Remember the smoke monster impersonated Alix and made Ben swear to do "Locke's" bidding, no matter what? That's the loophole.

That's something that bothers me. If the 2007 Locke is actually dead and the one walking around is the man in black or the smoke monster why go through the trouble of becoming Alex and telling Ben to do what Locke says. Why not just tell Ben (as Alex) that he has to kill Jacob?

Also, some people are becoming better... people. Jack goes from a man of science to a man of faith. Sawyer was a con man who becomes a good leader. They all decide to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Some symbolism that Jacob lives under the foot of a god?
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