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Paul R   02-03-2009, 06:18 AM
I realised something that might have some significance. Back in one of the first two episodes of this season (can't remember which one, sorry) when Richard was patching up Locke's bullet wound, he said that the next time Locke sees him, Richard won't recognise him, and sure enough, that turned out to be the case. So this surely means that Richard knows where The Island is going to time-shift to each time. Not sure how significant this is going to be, but it seems to cement Richard's status as Lord Of The Manor.... well, until Locke's self-fulfilling prophecy comes to a head at the end of the last season, of course.

"I handed in the new RJ novel with the
working title, BY THE SWORD. David says the sales force loved the title at the
pre Turkey-Day sales meeting, so that's what it will be. That means Paul Ramplin
gets a credit line in the acknowledgments.
chickybubs   02-03-2009, 09:55 AM
have just finished watching episode 3 and am still totally confused but am definetly loving the new series. only grumble is the awful british accent from charles whitmore but thats easily forgiven. am so excited to see what the rest of the season brings
colburn0004   02-03-2009, 01:49 PM
Paul R Wrote:I realised something that might have some significance. Back in one of the first two episodes of this season (can't remember which one, sorry) when Richard was patching up Locke's bullet wound, he said that the next time Locke sees him, Richard won't recognise him, and sure enough, that turned out to be the case. So this surely means that Richard knows where The Island is going to time-shift to each time. Not sure how significant this is going to be, but it seems to cement Richard's status as Lord Of The Manor.... well, until Locke's self-fulfilling prophecy comes to a head at the end of the last season, of course.

I took this as more him knowing because it had already happened to him. It kind of means that Richard may see more of Locke to let him know when he was shot in the woods.(if he didn't let him know that during theyre meeting) Richard knew Locke would see him at some point when he doesnt know him. It's this event that causes Richard to seek out Locke. I don't think it means Richard knows where they are being sent in time.

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
Sigokat   02-03-2009, 02:00 PM
colburn0004 Wrote:I took this as more him knowing because it had already happened to him. It kind of means that Richard may see more of Locke to let him know when he was shot in the woods.(if he didn't let him know that during theyre meeting) Richard knew Locke would see him at some point when he doesnt know him. It's this event that causes Richard to seek out Locke. I don't think it means Richard knows where they are being sent in time.

You just made my head hurt LOL

Major K

"He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a Prince." George Graham Vest

"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us." - Maurice Maeterlinck
Paul R   02-03-2009, 06:39 PM
colburn0004 Wrote:I took this as more him knowing because it had already happened to him. It kind of means that Richard may see more of Locke to let him know when he was shot in the woods.(if he didn't let him know that during theyre meeting) Richard knew Locke would see him at some point when he doesnt know him. It's this event that causes Richard to seek out Locke. I don't think it means Richard knows where they are being sent in time.

Yes, this makes sense... in a time-travelling kind of way!

"I handed in the new RJ novel with the
working title, BY THE SWORD. David says the sales force loved the title at the
pre Turkey-Day sales meeting, so that's what it will be. That means Paul Ramplin
gets a credit line in the acknowledgments.
colburn0004   02-03-2009, 08:51 PM
sigokat Wrote:You just made my head hurt LOL

I hurt my head trying to type what i was thinking and I still don't think I got what I was thinking across Big Grin Basicly I think most of the odd things about Richard (and even somewhat his not aging) has something to do with the shifting of time. I also think that the island moves on a different time line then the rest of the world and when the O6 get back to the island 3 years will have not passed there. If they would even be able to tell depending on how long they keep shifting through time. I think this will make it possible for Locke to be alive once they get back to the island because by island timeline he will have not been dead yet.

There was a character on I think a sci-fi movie that had something to do with a stephen king spin-off(not sure) but he was a man who seemed to never age and I believe the explanation was something like he was moving through all time at the same time. As in he was in the past future and present at the same time. For some reason I always think of this when I see Richard. :dontknow: The questions and the thinking is the reason I love this show so much.

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
Alvin Fox   02-03-2009, 09:08 PM
Time travel is so thought provoking. Such as, Richard giving Locke the compass in the future and Locke returning it to Richard in the past. Was this only just set in motion, or has there been a 50 year loop that this compass is always traveling? If Richard hadn't given Locke the compass would Locke have still gotten it and traveled back in time with it?

Did that even make sense?

I always thought traveling to the past would result in an instant paradox. As soon as you go back you change something and it just snowballs until the point you traveled from. However, after reading Timeline long ago I liked the idea that if you traveled to the past whatever you did has already been done and is reflected even before you go back. That better explains why Richard had an interest in young Locke.

I need a nap now.
Brian   02-03-2009, 09:25 PM
AlvinFox Wrote:Time travel is so thought provoking. Such as, Richard giving Locke the compass in the future and Locke returning it to Richard in the past. Was this only just set in motion, or has there been a 50 year loop that this compass is always traveling? If Richard hadn't given Locke the compass would Locke have still gotten it and traveled back in time with it?

Did that even make sense?

I always thought traveling to the past would result in an instant paradox. As soon as you go back you change something and it just snowballs until the point you traveled from. However, after reading Timeline long ago I liked the idea that if you traveled to the past whatever you did has already been done and is reflected even before you go back. That better explains why Richard had an interest in young Locke.

I need a nap now.

Yes that make sense to some degree. The idea of a paradox not being able to happen as events would transpire as they were destined. If a time traveler tried to change an event, I'd venture something would push that event's history to repeat itself as it were to happen, no matter what the influence .

Now does that make sense? :dontknow:

There is no wise man without fault
colburn0004   02-03-2009, 09:32 PM
AlvinFox Wrote:Time travel is so thought provoking. Such as, Richard giving Locke the compass in the future and Locke returning it to Richard in the past. Was this only just set in motion, or has there been a 50 year loop that this compass is always traveling? If Richard hadn't given Locke the compass would Locke have still gotten it and traveled back in time with it?

Did that even make sense?

I always thought traveling to the past would result in an instant paradox. As soon as you go back you change something and it just snowballs until the point you traveled from. However, after reading Timeline long ago I liked the idea that if you traveled to the past whatever you did has already been done and is reflected even before you go back. That better explains why Richard had an interest in young Locke.

I need a nap now.

Makes sense i was wondering myself where the compass began. It drives me crazy trying to think about how it started. I was kind of wondering if There are now 2 compass's as Richard gave it to Locke to (nevemind about this post it is driving me crazy trying to figure out where it begins. Its like finding the start in a circle.):confused:

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
Brian   02-03-2009, 09:36 PM
colburn0004 Wrote:Makes sense i was wondering myself where the compass began. It drives me crazy trying to think about how it started. I was kind of wondering if There are now 2 compass's as Richard gave it to Locke to (nevemind about this post it is driving me crazy trying to figure out where it begins. Its like finding the start in a circle.):confused:

That's it!!!! The island is moving in a predetermined circle in time. With the O6 missing, it's skipping like the record reference made earlier by saynomore.
This post was last modified: 02-03-2009, 09:42 PM by Brian.

There is no wise man without fault
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