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Gerald Rice   04-04-2005, 02:59 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:Really? Cool. I used to love that show, but I have still yet to see the "evil leaper" episodes. Of course those were pretty late in the series, weren't they?

The evil leapers were the 2nd to last season, I believe. Their leaps looked painful. I had read (and as a 14 year old I thought this was dumb) that there was supposed to be an episode where he leaped into a futuristic cartoon. But the series ended unexpectedly and without explanation. I wonder what went wrong. I think the ratings were still pretty good.
IAmSpartachris   04-05-2005, 12:35 AM
OK...some of these are not exactly new, but may have slipped under your radar for one reason or another, or simply not occurred to you at the time you were filling your cue. At any rate, they are some of my faves, and are in no particular order.

Shaun of the Dead (if you haven't seen it, do.)
Clerks (all things Kevin Smith actually)
The Green Mile
The Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn)
Dances With Wolves
The Quiet Man (Classic, sexy, hilarious)
The Princess Bride
Pulp Fiction
Reservior Dogs
Kill Bill vols. 1 & 2
LOTR Trilogy (extended DVD versions)
Scent of a Woman
The Fifth Element (mmmm Mila Jovovich)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Highlander (There can be only one, the first one)
JFK (BIG conspiracy buff)
Beautiful Girls (Not well known, but marvelous)
The Shawshank Redemption
The Matrix (ignoring both sequels)
The Commitments (Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant)
Star Trek 2 - The Wrath of Kahn
Superman (Chris Reeve...puts a lump in my throat)
X-Men 1 & 2
Notting Hill
East of Eden (James Dean's finest hour)
On the Waterfront (c'mon...Brando. 'nuff said.)
The Godfather 1 & 2
Deadwood: The Complete First Season (Ian McShane is HARDCORE!)
The Shield Seasons 1 - 3
This post was last modified: 04-05-2005, 12:39 AM by IAmSpartachris.

The problem with doing nothing, is not knowing when you're finished.
Weatherford   04-05-2005, 01:49 PM
OH, if you haven't seen it, Evelyn with Pierce Brosnan. Excellent movie - based on a true story.
Maggers   05-07-2005, 07:53 PM
I saw "The Grifters" in 1990 when it came out. I was blown away then, and I was moved even more this time, I think. Luckily for me, I tend to forget details of plots and themes. So that when I see a film again 15 years later, it's like watching it for the first time, but with just a pinch of knowledge.

What an extraordinary cast...John Cusack, Annette Bening and the magnificent Angelica Houston. Their gears mesh like a fine tuned watch. It's directed by Steven Frears, who also did the darkly provocative "Dirty Pretty Things." He melds decades in such a way that he creates a unique combination of the best of noir from the '40's, 50's, up to the 80's.

Great story, great acting, great directing, great writing. I loved it all over again.

And for the boys, you get to see a whole lot of a young Annette Bening, a whole lot! Wink

If you haven't seen it, go for it. If you saw it a while ago, rent it again.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Maggers   05-08-2005, 12:56 AM
Just finished watching "National Treasure." What a bore, with more holes in the plot than a slice of Swiss cheese. My friend fell fast asleep. I stayed awake, but why? I could have used the sleep.

I wanted to post this on the tread where some folks reviewed NT, but it's one of those lost threads...the title is there but no posts.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Susan   05-08-2005, 11:12 AM
Maggers Wrote:Just finished watching "National Treasure." What a bore, with more holes in the plot than a slice of Swiss cheese. My friend fell fast asleep. I stayed awake, but why? I could have used the sleep.

I wanted to post this on the tread where some folks reviewed NT, but it's one of those lost threads...the title is there but no posts.

I agree, that movie sucked. If you're in the mood for romance I recommend: Sirens, Like Water for Chocolate and A Walk in the Clouds.


FPW Stores:
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. ~ Oscar Wilde

Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.~Nietzche
Marc   05-08-2005, 11:48 AM
Maggers Wrote:Just finished watching "National Treasure." What a bore, with more holes in the plot than a slice of Swiss cheese. My friend fell fast asleep. I stayed awake, but why? I could have used the sleep.

Well, I enjoyed it for what it was worth. Yes there were holes, but maybe it's because I wasn't expecting much.

Why I can enjoy a movie like this when I'm not expecting to like it but when a movie like Episode 2 comes out, and I have no expectations and I still can't enjoy it... what the hell is wrong with me? *sigh*

Episode 1 I had high expectations and I didn't like it. Episode 2 I had no expectations and I still didn't like it. My new idea is to get a little drunk before Episode 3. Maybe in a less than sober state it will be more entertaining.
Maggers   05-08-2005, 01:32 PM
Susan Wrote:I agree, that movie sucked. If you're in the mood for romance I recommend: Sirens, Like Water for Chocolate and A Walk in the Clouds.


"Sirens" is one of my all time favorite fun, romantic and SEXY movies. It's a delight for eyes and the mind with each viewing.

I enjoyed "Like Water for Chocolate," though I can't remember loving it. Guess I'll have to see it again. Loved the book, though.

I haven't seen AWITC. It stars Keanu Reeves, right?

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Biggles   05-08-2005, 11:34 PM
My wife and I just saw "After the Sunset" on DVD. It's a caper adventure/comedy with Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek, Woody Harrelson and Don Cheadle. Besides the obvious eye candy for members of all three sexes, it was entertaining and had some nice twists. Scenery was great too (filmed in the Virgin Islands).

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
Weatherford   05-09-2005, 03:59 AM
I just bought Les Choristes (The Chorus) (2004) a subtitled in English, French film. Absolutely wonderful. OK, it's a tear jerker, but not overly so (IMHO). Much more real than the US versions of "music teacher makes bad kids good", and the conductor (actor) in the beginning of the film definitely did his homework and knows his stuff. OK, the main character can't conduct, but, he's a composer (and a prefect), so we'll forgive him. Rolleyes

Beautifully shot and an absolutely GORGEOUS score. Of course, i love choral music! I will admit, I hate boys choirs on principle, but.... Wink

Highly recommended!

(Oh, it won Best Picture from Hearland Film Fest, and Audience Choice Awards from Chicago Film Fest and Austin Film Fest. Two AA nominations - best foreign films and best score.)
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