Spell check, hon. Besides, taht is what editors are for. And I just noticed that I mispelled that. I swear that was an accident.
Me, I have a problem with my OCD among many other disorders that have not been medicated in ALONG time. Try being a Bipolar Obsessive Compulsive writer who suffers from depression ( Note- if you are have these disorders and are in the USMC do not mention them or try filling any prescriptions for them. Try filling a bunch of prescriptions labeled as anti-psychotics and suddenly you have brass breathing down your neck telling you your career is over shortly after it started, despite never having a single issue in your short career).Yeah, try having these disorders and see how much writing you get done.
I have a BFA in writing for Film and Television, yet i haven't been able to complete ( in some cases barely start) any of the tons of ideas I get a day, despite knowing every scene line for line.
Thanks to some advice form Paul I am actually getting somewhere with one of my stories, though.
Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!