colburn0004 Wrote:I actually think so.
The movie came off as so sweet to me. I was dissapointed by his second movie in The Last Kiss. I really think he captured something in Garden State. The innocent love and troubled lives trully come across. This movie is so good, and it's one of those movies that I actually liked it more the more I saw it.
The song from the movie where he says "It will change your life" also did the same thing. :p It started me on a whole alternative kick and got me into bands like The Shins, and Death Cab for Cutie and the likes.
For these two things this movie will always remain one of my favorites of all time. I REALLY recommend it!
I think it happens to a lot of artists, they have their whole lives to create their debut and less than a year to try to recreate the magic. My favorite scene is when he has to get the cat scan with the permanent marker drawings all over him.
As for the music, the whole soundtrack is good. "New Slang" is the song on the headphones and it was also my introduction to The Shins. Overall I like them better than Death Cab but I think
Plans by DCFC is brilliant. Another really good soundtrack for this kind of music is Veronica Mars.