A rather twisted joke I thought of after reading The Tomb, while I was mucking around with some rakosh pictures I was drawing. Plus it was late at night.
The background is, as usual, chopped up, heavily edited photos from other people's websites. Probably personal photo albums. This one is from Central Park; it used to be set in the middle of the day with a bunch of people walking around, but I took out the people, radically distorted the perspective, and added the rakoshi and dead wino over top.
People sicker than me will be delighted to know this is just the right size for a wallpaper. I prefer the "It's coming" paper myself, but if you want to scare your friends and family, feel free to stick this on your desktop.
Copyright FPW and me for the actual drawlings. (I know the rakoshi probably weren't this messy, but it was graphically cooler to add all the blood in. Heh).