fpw Wrote:Could beeee. I'll leave this up to readers. I like to leave some things out for inference.
Libby Wrote:I am on page 113 of Secret Histories, and WOW! Wonderful as always, FPW! Before I read the Tomb, I was a young adult/fanasy reader, so a YA Jack is perfect! I was just thinking, [spoiler]was the reason the reason they sewed his hands to his armpits something having to do with the common ancester of our race and the Otherness, the one from Bloodline? He was a diamond guy, so a diamon guy with 4 arms would make the E're(right?).[/spoiler] Any thoughts?
Kenji Wrote:Yeah. I read Secret Histories, and I thought that too. We'll see [spoiler]ritual's scenes in next YA Jack novel.[/spoiler] Can't wait! I want to read next YA Jack novel as soon as possible! :adore:
Libby Wrote:I can't wait either!!But (MIGHT SPOIL THE 2ND AND LAST BOOK)[SPOILER]I can't shake off the feeling that something bad is going to happen to poor Weezy, who my mom says reminds her of me.:eek:[/SPOILER]
fpw Wrote:I grew very attached to her. In fact, she almost took over Book 1. I had to send her away for the weekend so she wouldn't keep stealing scenes. It's a shame I had to -- oops!
Only kidding.
Or am I?
Maggers Wrote:I don't have the book to read yet, but I just had to say that I got a kick out of the title of this thread. SOILERS? Wow, is the book that scary that soiling is a possibility? That's hilarious.