THE TOUCH has been revised as well. All the revisions that I've read have just had things which dated them removed or modified. Like the reference to Johnny Carson in the original THE TOMB.
In THE TOUCH, Greg Nash was originally a Vietnam Veteran, now he's a Gulf War vet.
Ken V.
Grand Guignol Wrote:I needed to resurrect this thread to ask a question about the revised books. Aside from The Tomb, Black Wind and Nightworld which other books have been revised?
I have recently re-read The Tomb and will read the revised Back Wind before I read By The Sword. I haven't read Nightworld since it first came out but will read it agin after the last RJ novel comes out.
Basically, the completist in me needs to know what else I may have missed so I can get my butt into gear! 
Thanks in advance for the help.