Maggers Wrote:I know that more than one person can come to the same conclusion, build the same theory, at the same time. However, no one on this board, or any other that I know of, has made the specific link between Ben's difficult birth and the death of his mother with the deadly Island pregnancies.
The whole issue of the polar bear is very interesting. At face value, it looks like Walt may have "created" the polar bear, given the impetus of the comic and Walt's uncanny abilities (of which we've only gotten a taste so far). But it seems the polar bears pre-dated Walt on the Island. Think of the bear cages in which Sawyer and Kate were held last season, and Mr. Friendly telling Sawyer that it only took the bear 2 hours to learn to get the crackers.
I'm thinking of deeper, more complicated and potentially harmful stuff like Eko and his brother, who was a total manifestation of the Island, and a dangerous one.
But there is also the positive side of Island manifestations, like Locke being able to walk again and Rose being cured of her cancer.
It's a bit different with Ben, though, as I am writing this I'm realizing it. Ben's manifestation is affecting others, while Eko's, Locke's and Rose's manifestations have been restricted to themselves. But isn't it just like powerful, narcisstic Ben to not allow anyone on the Island to have what he was not able to have, i.e., a full gestation and a mother living to tell the tale.
Well, who knows if I'm right or wrong. I just think it's just too much of a coincidence to be otherwise.
DogWoman Wrote:..Trust me, I don't consider myself an expert on the show.
Maggers Wrote:But there is also the positive side of Island manifestations, like Locke being able to walk again and Rose being cured of her cancer.
Scott Hajek Wrote:And, Jin or Sun's sterility being reversed. Was it ever confirmed who couldn't do their part?Well, the doctor in Korea stopped Sun on the street to tell her that it was Jin who was infertile, not her, as he had said in the office to spare Jin's male ego. The Island upped Jin's sperm count, or so it appears.
Quote:Maggers, your theory is either correct in that the "threshhold" is Ben's doing. Or, it is the Island that limits the gestation and it affected Ben's birth years ago. After all, it seems that the Island chooses it's inhabitants and not the other way around.That's an interesting take on it. So the Island could have killed his mother in Oregon or Washington State or wherever he was born, thus setting up the situation by which Ben arrives on the Island. Hmmm.... well done, Scott. I couldn't rule that out as a possibility.
Maggers Wrote:Well, it's nice to know that no one reads my posts, which I acknowledge, are generally long.
Yeah, I know that theory, it's MY theory which I created immediately upon seeing Ben's flashback about his birth. I've been writing about it since then, and posted the item below yesterday or today.
bones weep tedium Wrote:How is this thread supposed to be any different from how the LOST: Season 4 thread was?