jimbow8 Wrote:True, though I still can't see the markings on the door (I think I'd need a high def TV).
Maybe "exist" was the wrong word. Maybe they were unaware of its existence. Maybe Widmore/DHARMA/whoever was unaware that the smoke monster existed, and Ben was the first/most recent to discover it.
Also, another thing I wanted to address, because I'm not sure if I was aware of it (I don't remember Danielle explaining it, and I'll admit that I can't keep track of ALL of this stuff), is referring to Alex as Ben's "daughter." Ben was not lying in order to deceive Keamy or minimalize Alex's importance when he said that Alex wasn't his daughter and that he had stolen her "from an insane woman." Alex is not his biological daughter. There's also an interesting theory here about the inability to carry pregnancy past seven months.
Maggers Wrote:I'm not sure what you're getting at with identifying Alex as Ben's adopted daughter. We knew that, though, in truth, we don't know who the father is, seeing as how Danielle arrived on the Island pregnant and we haven't seen her flashback yet.Yeah, I had forgotten (or never knew to begin with - I still think I haven't seen a couple S1 episodes) that fact and I wasn't sure if others were aware of it, given the usage of "daughter" on the show and in these threads. So I was just explicitly pointing it out. According to the link I provided, Alex's father is Robert, who was a member of Rousseau's expedition ... of which she killed everyone.
Quote:What is the theory about the pregnancy issue. I don't want to wade through that whole thing.I edited my previous post.
jimbow8 Wrote:...
There's also an interesting theory about the inability to carry pregnancy past a point shortly into the third trimester: that since Ben's mother died at that point, the "problem" is some sort of manifestation by the island (or Jacob?) of Ben's birth. Maybe Ben's guilt or anger or whatever it is manifests in pregancies not being able to progress past that point. Do we know at exactly what point Ben was born and if it's the same as the "death threshold" in effect?
Maggers Wrote:...
Doesn't matter whether he consciously believes he killed his mother or not, Ben knows that his birth lead to his mother's death. That alone will cause lots of mother-hence-relationship-issues. Take a look at how Ben treats the women in his life. Did you forget his outburst at Juliet? Ben thinks he owns her, simply because he thinks he loves her.
[COLOR="Red"]I've always had the theory, just my own thoughts based on observations of how Ben works and how the Island may work, that the reason women on the Island cannot carry a child beyond 7 months is because Ben's mother could not carry him beyond 7 months, and was killed in the process of his birth. In some mysterious fashion, the Island can tap into the unconscious and take what someone fears/believes/holds dear and work on bringing that into reality. From the get go I saw the link of killer pregnancy on the Island to Ben's own gestation which was deadly for his mother. Kill Ben and I bet women will be able to have babies on the Island. Just my theory...
maggers Wrote:Some LOST thoughts, which is a fairly accurate assessment....
Ben's mother died in childbirth. I believe there is a link between Ben and pregnant women on the island dying in child birth.
Maggers Wrote:Well, it's nice to know that no one reads my posts, which I acknowledge, are generally long.
Yeah, I know that theory, it's MY theory which I created immediately upon seeing Ben's flashback about his birth. I've been writing about it since then, and posted the item below yesterday or today.
I have never seen anything about such a theory elsewhere, just out of my own tiny mind.
jimbow8 Wrote:Hehehe, Sorry!I told you I couldn't keep it all straight........
jacobm Wrote:Can anyone make out the name on the jacket that Ben is wearing at the beginning of the episode? Knowing this show there has to be some significance to that.
Maggers Wrote:Yes, it's the jacket of Dr. Halliwax (I think that's how you spell it), the guy who did all the Dharma instruction videos.
Maggers Wrote:Well, it's nice to know that no one reads my posts, which I acknowledge, are generally long.
Yeah, I know that theory, it's MY theory which I created immediately upon seeing Ben's flashback about his birth. I've been writing about it since then, and posted the item below yesterday or today.
I have never seen anything about such a theory elsewhere, just out of my own tiny mind.
I posted this round about 5/10/07 or thereabouts. Ben's flashback about his birth aired May 9, 2007.
I've written more about it since then, but I've written so much about LOST that it's hard to find all those posts.
Obviously, many people can come to the same theory at the same time. But as far as I know, I'm the only one on this board who noticed a link between Ben's birth and women on the Island dying in pregnancy...or at least, I'm the only one who's written about it. I'm harping on it because I'm quite pleased with my little theory 'cause I think it's correct.
DogWoman Wrote:Not to sound rude here, but I am thinking of John Cleese in that little bobbed wig going "This theory, which is mine, that belongs to me..."
No...I think that's absolutely right, and you should be proud of it. I seem to think that there was more of that "think it and it comes true stuff" in season one--namely with Walt. I'm remembering Locke teaching him to throw a knife and the time he was stuck in the bush with the polar bear coming after him, and he had just seen that comic book with the polar bear in it.
Forgive me if I'm treading old ground...